Crocea or Maxima


Premium Member
Crocea or Maxima? Which is easier to keep?
I know the bigger the better. Any other things I should know about?


I wouldnt say the bigger the better.
The Very big size clams have some transportation problems, so it wont be wise to buy it just after it arrived from the Ocean.

From my experience, maxima are easier to keep than croceas, but both surely not very easy to keep.
4"-6" Max
3"-4" crocea
are good sizes for those clams.

If it's your very first clam, I'd go for a squamosa or derasa, and see how they're doin in the tank for few months ,before adding a max or crocea.

Ya need a good tank, lots of light as Chris said, feed them if they're small .
hoose the tank mates carefully as some love to munch the clams.
Sorry, I have LOTS of lights Halides etc. I was getting another clam and thought Croceas were easier to keep than Max's. After doing some more research I saw the opposite was true. The only paramater I do not keep up to snoff is CA which stays around 350. I currently have 1 ugly max and a 12' Derasa.
Lazyreefer said:
Sorry, I have LOTS of lights Halides etc. I was getting another clam and thought Croceas were easier to keep than Max's. After doing some more research I saw the opposite was true. The only paramater I do not keep up to snoff is CA which stays around 350. I currently have 1 ugly max and a 12' Derasa.

I have a Blue Maxima 4 inches, he has been in my tank for about a month now. I think Maxima's are easier because there a little more forgiving then Crocea's when it comes to water parameters and lighting;)
The difference between Croceas and Maxima's is apparent by the arrangement of their hydial sensors (eyes) {"hydial"? recalling way back, but that's close}. These are the little raised bumps on the mantle of the clam.

Maximas have a distinct linear line of these sensors around the periphery of their mantle, whereas Croceas' will be distributed (randomly, not evenly) across the mantle. Occasionally you will see hybrid that exhibit both arrangements, however.

Yes, Maximas are generally easier to keep, but if you have good lighting there's no magic to keeping Croceas. Croceas are nice because they will affix to the rock fairly rapidly and don't grow too large, 6-7 inches max.