CS5 not opening pictures like CS4 did


New member
I typically go into the default software that came with the SLR I bought, I think it's called Canon Digital Photo Professional, or something like that. It's basically a really easy way to visually browse through all my RAW files. I CTRL and click the ones I want to open in Photoshop, drag them into Photoshop and proceed from there. I could work on a batch of 5, get them loaded how I want, then go find some more files through DPP and grab 6 or 7, drag them into Photoshop and keep going. That was the way CS4 behaved, anyway.

Now with CS5, when I've already got a picture open and then try to drag in files from DPP, it wants to convert my pictures to smart objects and insert them into a layer on the current project, not open a new file.

Anyone know what setting it is that changes that? I've poked around and sure cant seem to find it.
I don't know. Usually I use the tools > transfer to (or is it edit?) in PS from the drop down menu. Probably Doug or someone here will know whats going on. Might want to try looking at or posting in the Adobe forums over at the Adobe site.
I think you're misinterpreting what's happening. CS5's default behavior when opening multiple files is to put each in a separate tab in the main window.

I can't duplicate what you're actually seeing because I haven't open DPP in about 5 years. Why not use Bridge for that functionality?
CS4 used to do what you say, open multiple files all on separate tabs, which is what I want CS5 to do.

CS5 actually is importing them as smart objects, it's weird. I'm not misinterpreting it, the only reason I'm sure is it flat out states that it is opening the pictures as smart objects and then it inserts them into the current open tab as layers.

I have Bridge installed since it came with CS5 but it sure responds slower than DPP. DPP just reacts faster and seems easier to browse through. I guess I could switch to Bridge but if I could keep using DPP that would be ideal in my mind.

I'll check again when I get home and make sure exactly what CS5 is saying, but I know it's opening the pictures all as individual smart objects and they are each turned into a layer in the current tab that I'm in. It's annoying :)

Keep in mind, the FIRST time I drag pictures into CS5, it does the multiple files opened each on a separate tab thing, which is what I want. But once I have a tab open, from that point on if I drag and drop pictures in, it tries to open them as smart objects. With CS4, I could just keep dragging more and more pictures and they would just keep getting added as tabs.
Dunno man.

I'm stunned and shocked ..... :). Busting chops, you're the man Doug, we love ya :)

Dude, try the Adobe Forums.

I just re-read your post. Don't know, all I can say is be sure you are dropping it in the main editing window and not onto the other open file. A long shot, you probably were not doign that but it's all I got.
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Well thanks for the attempted help anyway. I'll get on the Adobe forums when I get home from work.

I've tried dragging and dropping to a couple different places on the window just in case that was the deal. I did go back to CS4 and make sure I could repeat the behavior the way I want it to and sure enough it works like it should.
Are you dragging the photo onto the other photo? If you have a photo open in cs5, and you drag one in and the cursor is anywhere in the canvas background It will add it as a smart object. When you add a photo, drag it next to the file name up on top. HTH
Well thanks, that fixed it. In CS4, I could drop the file anywhere onto CS4 and it would continue to just open it as another picture. In CS5, you have to drop it up where the tabs for each picture would be, that little blank slot, and then it opens them up as new pictures and not smart objects.

I wonder why that change was put in...
man, that is what I was trying to say! I did not realize you had to drop up that high though. Good to know.