Cured Live Rock shipping question.

Capt. Nemo

Active member
I am interested in feedback from those who have used ground shipping ( 2 day transit) for their cured LR. How was the condition of the rock and how much die off was there? I'm trying to decide between either next day or 2 day shipping. The next day shipping is quite expensive, and I want to know if its reallly worth it and necessary. Thanks!

depends on the weather actually.....if you're going to have them shipped during the spring...2 day should be fine~ as long as temperature stays around 70ish with the weather.
But of course, you'll have minimal die off with next day...

I'm having some rocks shipped ground 3 day transit...I expect some die off but if you think about it...these rocks survive plane rides from marshall island!! how far is that? I don't really know but...if these rocks survive fine throug that trip....3day transit should be ok as well

doesn't that make sense? it did for me...but hey I could be wrong

Hi Gary,

You'll be just fine this time of year shipping it via a 2-day ground method. This is absolutely perfect shipping weather this time of year!

I just had some rocked shipped 3 day ground - not too bad
cycle them in buckets for a few days....I transferred the rocked from a bucket to another with new salt mix to leave the debris/die off behind
working great so far and seeing the rocks cure quite fast...
they were cured marshalls

I wouldn't worry at all - plus a clam and a crab came through alive through that time as 2 day should be no problem - just cycle them for a few days

good luck