cured live rock


New member
Can you place your cured live rock directly into an enstablished tank? Or do I need to keep it in some other container for a while?
I am considering ordering about 20 lb to put in a 29 gallon tank which has some LR already.

Our cured rock is free from decay and has cycled, so normally you can put this in an established tank, but when you have it shipped, it's possible to get some die off which can cause some ammonia spike and when you stack rock, you can kill some of the rock and cause some ammonia.

So you can do it, and I have added direct to a tank several times, but there is always that small percentage change that you can crash your tank. So if you have fish and corals, i would recommend putting in a container for a while and then just moving one or two pieces over at a time, just so you don't shock your system.

Thank you.
One more thing. You mentioned on your website that the Fiji rocks weren't looking too good these days. What is the status today? If I were to order some cured rocks what would you recommend. This would be for a 29 g with some LR already in it. I was thinking about 25 pounds.