Curious... Acropora, Angelfish and Trapezia Crab?


New member
So, I'm curious to know if this would work or if anyone has tried it and documented any success.

We all know Angelfish and corals usually don't mix. But if you loaded up your tank with acro crabs, perhaps one for every colony, would this be enough of a deterrent to keep the angels at bay?

My understanding is the acro crab is symbiotic with acros and will defend the colony.


I've been very tempted to introduce an angel, but having a difficult time pulling the trigger for fear of it doing substantial damage. I don't have to worry about my clam because it's now hosting my pair of clowns. I'm sure they'll defend it to the death, if they don't kill the clam first. :/
Many people have kept angels with SPS without much damage - what angel are you looking to add?

As far as the acro crabs, I can't imagine it would hurt at all.
I would not put my Blueface with any SPS or clams, regardless if they had a crab or not.
You might get away with a dwarf angel or a sp Genicanthus....
Cuzza Is it really worth the chance? Yes people have kept angels with sps and I am doing it now but if you have a really nice tank do you want to take that chance. I am removing mine when ever i can catch him. For the last year he has been fine but now all the sudden I lost PE and have seen him nipping at my acros and not just one. Its like he goes for all of them. I have a tank with more of a mix of corals and no SPS that I am worried about. My coral beauty will do fine in there. If I were you I would not do it
For now, a Regal and a Flame is what I'm contemplating adding to my upgrade. I'd probably wait until my corals have grown to small colonies.

I just thought that if an Acro crab defends it's turf it would increase the chances of keeping the angels in check. Or at least keep the nipping to a minimum.

My understanding is that while an angel may be well behaved for a while, it's just a matter of time before they grow rouge.

I'll likely ditch any zoas in the upgrade as well. They just don't do great in my system. I think it's just too much flow and too clean. So mostly sps and a few lps.
Curious... Acropora, Angelfish and Trapezia Crab?

Cuzza Is it really worth the chance? Yes people have kept angels with sps and I am doing it now but if you have a really nice tank do you want to take that chance. I am removing mine when ever i can catch him. For the last year he has been fine but now all the sudden I lost PE and have seen him nipping at my acros and not just one. Its like he goes for all of them. I have a tank with more of a mix of corals and no SPS that I am worried about. My coral beauty will do fine in there. If I were you I would not do it

I know. They're just an awesome species. But you can't change instinct. I want to add one so bad I just can't bring myself to do it. Lol.

Obviously that's why I'm throwing Acro crabs out there. Grasping at straws. Lol.
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Grasping is good. Putting an angel in is bad. I dont really think the crab would or could move fast enough to do much about an angel taking a bite. If your acro grows to say 8-10" across how long do you think it would take the crab to get from one side to another. Now how fast can the angel. Just food for thought
Grasping is good. Putting an angel in is bad. I dont really think the crab would or could move fast enough to do much about an angel taking a bite. If your acro grows to say 8-10" across how long do you think it would take the crab to get from one side to another. Now how fast can the angel. Just food for thought

Yeah, I just wonder if the presence of the crab would be a deterrent. Just like as soon as you introduce a wrasse... snails, crabs and pods stay hidden for the most part.
Do you really think the angel is afraid of the little crab?

Honestly, I have no idea. I know they're not a large crab, maybe around an inch, but those pincers can be intimidating.

For what it's worth I read a Reefkeeping magazine article and here's a quote.

"Their symbiotic relationship with corals, usually those from the families Acroporidae and Pocilloporidae, gives the corals a defense against predators because these crabs attack predatory seastars such as Acanthaster planci and fish such as butterflyfishes."
I have had a Flame Angel going on a year now in my 120 and just put into my 300. He is a model citizen with respect to my SPS/LPS. Folks tell me I got lucky .... but now my Clam that I added, that was a different story, might have lasted 30 minutes before the flame "took it out".