Current Draw Reporting


New member

During the working week I get numerous emails asking if certain features have been implemented on ProfiLux especially the P3, one big one for example is current draw reporting - This is where the ProfiLux can monitor and report back to you the amount of current being drawn on a power socket for example a feed pump.

ALL this information is available on the GHL main support forum, but if you dont visit it you wont keep up to date with what is new and happening.

I urge everyone to at least once a week browse the official support forum to keep up to date with what is happening.

GHL has now got so many features it goes beyond pretty much anything else on the market, much of these features comes for free out of the box, no additional expansions required, and most expansions are sub $50!

So dont miss out on what the global leading controller can offer you - visit the forum and find out whats going on!

We are just about to launch a feature that will blow ProfiLux right to the top of the league with lighting control so please stay tuned this week for a full run down on GHL advancement into LED lighting control.