Current SunPod


New member
So far I have been super happy with everything I have ordered and recieved from you guys. This morning when came into the living room to look at the tank only one of the HQI lights where on. I purchased a 36" SunPod late May. I turned the unit off and back on then both wouldnt come on. I have had the fixture for around 3 months and have only had the bulbs on for about 2 Weeks. Please let me know if this is a warrenty issue and if I can get replacements. This seems really bad on them I can't imagine having to pay for bulbs that have been on for 2 weeks.
I decieded to call Marine Depot from work today just to rush things along. They where very resonable and polite to me on the phone. We came to an aggreament that was fair to both parties. I have read about people's negative experience's and I just don't understand them. Everytime I have called MD or placed an order I have been treated with respect, talked with an intelligent person, and have had a positive outcome. Thanks guys,