Custom 400 Gallon Tank


New member
Custom Saltwater tank
All input is highly appreciated, here is what i was quoted and planning to put up.

All brand new

1" Acrylic tank size 72-30-42 ( estimated 400gallon) Large overflow on one side only thats closer to the wall

Custom Butter scotch Maple Stand and canopy ( from concrete floor to ceiling 9ft) both side openings, 2 door each side. This setup should look like a cabinet not just a fish tank, this includes the 2" molding on the ceiling

3 400 watts HQI Hamilton tech
1/2 chiller Hamilton

200 gallon Wet/Dry acrylic

2 Euro Reef skimmer RS 250

8000 gallon per hour pump

UV sterilizer

300 lbs of live sand

500 lbs of Fiji Live Rock

exhaust fan and R/0

*** Calcium Reactor is separate ***

All plumbing and installation included except electrical.

The tank will be installed as divider between kitchen and family room and wet and dry will be out on my patio.

13,500 (they have to travel 60 miles each way to install it)

Do you guys think this is a good

Hobby Experience: 4 years
Current Tanks: 130 Gal -sold
Interests: fishing

My 330 Gallon w/ stand, woodwork, canopy, filteration,livestock,aquscaping ect. ect. Is going to cost me about $12,500CDN so I would say this is a great price. And your sump is alot larger than mine, and you are going with 2 skimmers compared to my one.
first thing you may want to consider is getting rid of the wet dry filter. there not recomended anymore. i would go with a standard sump and then add alot bigger skimmer to the system. i asume this will be a reef tank because of the calcuim reactor. if this is goign to be a reef then you really need to have a sump instead of the wet dry. they will release nitrates into the system after a while. a bigger skimmer will do a better job of keeping the system clean.

I also am currently building a 400 gal in wall, Starphire so I have been deep into these measurements for about a year... You mention a single overflow against 1 wall... By the overflow calculations that you will find on the RC home page that size/ our size tank needs about 56" of overflow... on yours @ either 30" or 48" unless you widen the slots youll be hurting in the turnover dept. As for the 1 X 8000 gallon pump I was going to do the same until Paul at Oceans motions talked me into using multiple darts @ 3600 gallons each for better turnover and less noise and electrical usage... a bit bigger initial investment. I really didnt see it until I reserched it and found that Paul was right... so now I have 1 dart for sump/filtration(160watt)... 2 darts on sequential closed loops and an Iwaki 100mlrt for the 1500XR ETSS skimmer... the larger Hammerhead was a higher electrical draw, heat....NOISE! ect. 2 darts can run 7200g/hr for less electricity/noise/heat than 1 large Hammerhead or comparable @ 5800g/hr (350 watt) a 8000gal pump is going to be loud and expensive probably 450-500watts or more. Probably you dont want that type of high flow through the filtration setup anyway... yes Turnover but not just a rush through the filtration @ 8000gal/hr. If the sump/filtration dart goes down I just close off a loop and replace it with one of the loop darts until I can replace it. The turnover on my system with 3 darts @160watts each=total 480 watts and is over 10,800 gallons/hr for less electricity/heat/ noise than any one 8000gallon pump. Just a few of the things I have been learning... I hope this helps.
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400 Gallon

400 Gallon

Thanks for all the a matter of fact, i am considering going to sump so i could either put reef and selected fish..:mixed:
The price doesnt seem too bad. I have about 17k wrapped up in my 500g system before fish and corals. I would definately go with a sump for filtration instead of the wet/dry system.