Custom Oveflow


New member
Well, after the fiascle of trying to get external overflows to flow right, and the glass aquarium that was the sump for my wet/dry broke, I'm back to the drawing board.

I am in the process of making a 12x12x32 acrylic sump/trickle filter that will house a QuietFlow 3000 for the return. I am also drilling/plumbing for a closed loop system built around another QuietFlow 3000.

I've got everything I need to do this - diamond hole saws, bulkheads, nozzels - everything - except an internal overflow. There are a few on the market, but I can't get anyone to respond back to my email about priceing - and I don't feel like ordering MORE acrylic and bending it myself.

Anyone know of any places to try that will be willing to make a sell? I've tried and but no joy. Need to figure something out quick as I have all this stuff laying around and a aggervated fiance :)

RandyStacyE: I don't need the plumbing, I need the overflow box

240-Reefer: That guy won't call or email me back. I've left two emails for him over the last two weeks and I've got nothing.
What, no reply to the link I gave you? I'll never try to help anybody again!:lol:

Seriously, did you email him? I've heard he makes a great product. I believe he's a mod on this site. You can probably track him down and send him a pm.
I emailed the sellers from the links posted. Kevin finally got back to me and I have two Durso Custom Overflows on the way :)

Thanks for the help guys!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6475473#post6475473 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jmcbroom
RandyStacyE: I don't need the plumbing, I need the overflow box

240-Reefer: That guy won't call or email me back. I've left two emails for him over the last two weeks and I've got nothing.

As an FYI - I can't find any unanswered e-mails in my inbox. I get about 45 standpipe related e-mails a day. I do my best to answer them all in 24 hours. As far as I can tell I didn't miss anything.

You seem to be set now anyway.
hey rich,
i've got a 29g i'm setting up and getting ready to drill for one overflow (mag 5 return). what internal overflow box would you recommend? i dont think i want the top to bottom overflow, as that would use up to much space. i was just thinking maybe a smaller box at the top.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6507989#post6507989 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidjam
hey rich,
i've got a 29g i'm setting up and getting ready to drill for one overflow (mag 5 return). what internal overflow box would you recommend? i dont think i want the top to bottom overflow, as that would use up to much space. i was just thinking maybe a smaller box at the top.

PM sent.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6507062#post6507062 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by original-reefland
As an FYI - I can't find any unanswered e-mails in my inbox. I get about 45 standpipe related e-mails a day. I do my best to answer them all in 24 hours. As far as I can tell I didn't miss anything.

You seem to be set now anyway.

I sent an email via the shopping cart "contact us" link ( - two emails actually, never got a response.

I took a gamble and went ahead and ordered from you (jason at jmcbroom dot org), and you replied back the next day to make sure we were on the same page. That made me feel good.

My only real concern in that 1/4" acrylic may not be sturdy enough for my 28" high tank, but we'll see :)

Thanks Rich!

I was hoping to have this project wrapped up by this weekend - got my sump 99% built, most all plumbing parts in - now I'm waiting on the overflows and diamond drill bits. I'm almost excited to rip my tank apart! Just hope I don't break the tank while drilling, otherwise my fish may be living in a rubbermaid container for a while.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6513576#post6513576 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jmcbroom
I sent an email via the shopping cart "contact us" link ( - two emails actually, never got a response.

huh. Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.

I was hoping to have this project wrapped up by this weekend - got my sump 99% built, most all plumbing parts in - now I'm waiting on the overflows and diamond drill bits. I'm almost excited to rip my tank apart! Just hope I don't break the tank while drilling, otherwise my fish may be living in a rubbermaid container for a while.

Hopefully you've done a few test drills on something else. It's a bit unnerving at first...