custom Rapid LEDs actinic strips for sale


New member
I have 14 rapid LED XT-E solder less royal blue Crees screw mounted on a 2 48" aluminum bars running on mean well 1050 milli amp driver and 60 degree lenses for majority of the LEDs.

I'm not interested in trades but just trying to build another thing. If interested, text me at 0 seven - 18 two 6.

looking for $60 flat no less.


Richard- Interestred but not familiar with the LED jargon.

I have a reefbrite 48" that has 36 lights. What is the difference?

I only want it for supplemental in the back, as i have the reefbrite in front.
If you just want it as supplements, I would recommend taking off all the lens because these things are VERY strong.

I would say these 14 crees are stronger then 24 bridgelux from reefbrites by miles.
first of all, they are reefbrites use 3w bridgelux compared to 3w crees from rapids. Crees are more energy efficient and more powerful and also they are not undervolted and they have MUCH stronger driver to power them.

In simple numbers, I think 3w bridgelux is lacking 20-30% power compared to 3w cree.
reefbrite I believe is running on 2w or 1.5w and on 700 mili amps.

While this cree set up runs on full 3w and on 1050 mili amps. So my crees which are stronger by 20-30% to start with is actually about 40-50% brighter due to natural volting and by powering it with stronger driver.

Thanks Tray!

I forgot to mention on my original post up top. You need a fan to run these. I used low profile aluminum because I didn't like the bars hanging out of my canopy and I already had a fan on top so it wasn't an issue for me.
I hear what your saying. Dont understand but hear it. I dont need to understand other than it fits in my space and I can mount with 0 issues.LOL

Sorry to thread jack Siptang, But how many of those leds do you think I would need for a 36G hex tank. Its 22" deep and I wanted enough power to be able to grow basically soft corals and an anemone. I would PM you but I cant right now.