Custom tank


New member
Looking to do a new rimless tank and was wondering if anyone knew how much more expensive reef savvy is than exotic???
Don't know the exact percentage but Exotic is gonna be significantly cheaper. Also be prepared to wait several months if you go with Reef Saavy. Their tanks are sweet though - I have a 55 rimless
I would say 40% more, LOL! For me it was worth it. Took 4 months to get mine, but I was not in a rush, still am not a year later and its not wet yet :headwally:

If you appreciate the highest quality, and perfect seams, straight edges, attention to detail, then go with reef savvy. If you just want a nice looking tank, not necessary. If I ever have another tank made, I would not hesitate to have another reef savvy made.
Got it.. Well I guess we will wait and see what reef savvy quotes me with. I did a rimless about 4 years back with exotic and I must say as picky as I am the tank came out perfect!
My Reef Savvy quote was almost triple... but after seeing them at MACNA 2013, I know why. Reef Savvy was by far the best built tanks there. I compared them to every other tank at the show including AGE, the Tanked guys, and whoever else was there. Reef Savvy tanks are flawless! Now the only question is... Is flawless worth triple the price.
Lol, does anyone really need a Ferrari? I can't afford a Ferrari, but I saved a little extra for my reef savvy, Haha!