There is no such thing as perfect. It's ok if there are problems, every vender will have problems eventually. It's the way those problems are dealt with that makes the difference. I hope you never have a problem.
I did not want this pump back because so far it's been nothing but problems and if they plug this thing in and it somehow works I was afraid I'd get the same pump back, again. So instead I asked if I could up grade to a different pump and just pay the difference. They agreed. I still don't have the new pump, but it should be here on Monday. At which point I still have to pay to ship the old pump back and when they receive it (hopefully as soon as they receive it, hint hint) I will get a credit for the original purchase price of the pump. For now I can no longer get the pump running anymore and I am without a skimmer in an sps tank, awesome. I was patiently waiting for my tracking number and after not receiving it I called on Tuesday of this week and was told it went out and they were going to send me the tracking number. I check the tracking and it says it scheduled for pick up that day. Looks like they forgot about me again. I'll be sure to call the day they receive the old pump to make sure I get my credit.