Cut a Little Hammer Coral?


New member
I have a 45 gallon tank, and my hammer torch coral seems to be literally touching a favia war coral. Can/should I trim it like one would trim hair? Or does that "deflate" the whole thing or some other negative consequence?
Not a good idea since that will probably kill it, is it a branching hammer? You don't want it touching anything that isn't a hammer or a frogspawn, but if it's branching you can break the heads off. In the meantime I'd move either the hammer or the war coral.
I've noticed along the sides of my torch I have little "buds" coming out. Can I cut these off, glue onto a frag plug and grow it out? They are about 1/4" long
You can but it's really easy to crush the nubs as you're fragging them off, and they pretty much stop growing once you remove them. If it were me I'd leave them on until they're at a size you can sell when you frag.