Cute coral Id


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It is a really interesting coral it eats like mad been feeding it mysis, only 10mm acros at the moment so only a baby, does anyone could give me a positive Id plz?
I have been inclined to think some sort of mushroom but it got a beak kind of mouth, not the usual mushroom mouth.



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The tentacles come out from around the mouth or extend from the sides? If they extend from the sides and it opens it's mouth, then it does look an awful lot like a blasto but if the tentacles come from the oral disc area like a trumpet coral then it looks pretty unusual. I agree that its pretty cute though!
The tentacles come out from around the mouth or extend from the sides? If they extend from the sides and it opens it's mouth, then it does look an awful lot like a blasto but if the tentacles come from the oral disc area like a trumpet coral then it looks pretty unusual. I agree that its pretty cute though!


The tentacles are on it's body as shown in red, they always out, he uses like in a fungia plate were the tentacles take the food to its mouth, if you know what I mean. The mouth is more hard, almost like a birds beak, all the green area shown in the blue circle.

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Thank you all for the input, I will have the most boring blasto on google [emoji23]

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Looks like the attached polyp stage of a plate coral. If so, expect it to bud off many free living polyps over time.