cyano .... I think


New member
I was wondering what u guys do to control cyano in your tank. Lately Ive had some growing on my sand and it doesnt seem to want to go away. I have good circulation and my phosphates are down as well but this stuff keeps coming back. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance

heres a pic of what Im talking about

If your tank is still on the new side,it could just be part of the cycle.I would try adding more flow if possible.When you do a water change,try & siphon out,as much as you can.Lastly you could try adding some sand sifters,such as a cucumber or two.Keep up with water changes & eventually it will receed.HTH
i'd try to sihpon as much out as possible and do a water change. you had your new lights for a few months now. maybe it is just a change in the lights catching up w/ tank
I tried all that and it works to an extend, I finally used the "red slime remover" product, one application did the work never to be seen again, I liked it but I have heard of people that had problems using this product.
So I don't recommended, but it worked really good for me.
In some of my older tanks I did have cyano problems. Most times I would add Red Slime Remover and it worked. I did get a bloom later in a different tank and found that adding more flow in the tank quickly solved the problem. I would much rahter do it in a non chemical way. But like Rogger said both have worked for me.
I have also used the red slime remover as a last resort, Armando i sent you a pm, i have some you are more then welcome to use it. I don't have the little spoon that it came w/ anymore. but i'm sure someone has a set of measuring spoons and can compare the company spoon size to there measuring spoon and help you out.
let me know if you want it
Don't feel bad, I have some in a low flow area of my tank too. If I let detritus accumulate, boom, that's where the cyano grows. Really need to get in there with the syphon again. I notice that it grows MUCH more when the alkalinity in the tank is low.
I have personally had great success with the ultralife red slime remover. Like Rogger, I have heard not everyone has the same experience though.
I have not tried red slime remover but rather have used sand sifting starfish to contiually sift the sand and that has always worked for me.
You must be able to find the root cause of the problem and correct it, however in the case of cyano it is particularly hard to get rid off completely using just flow, water changes and critters, this will help control it until it pops again, this mainly because it is a bacteria rather than an algae.
I suspect that the RSR products must be anti-biotic or similar based because it has a very specific target, and the results are almost immediately and drastic (in a good way)
red slime remover did nothing for me, it took a increase in flow and stirring up the sand alot to get rid of it, i also used a turkey baster to blast it off rocks and corals....
I had the same problem tried changing lights and more flow but it kept coming back until I fixed my alkalinity.