cycle new tank


New member
I just finished filling my 125g tank with RO water and Reef Cryatals. I would like it to cycle fast. Whats the best way of doing that?
Nothing fast in the Saltwater hobby is going to be good. Advice you don't have to follow. I let my tank cycle for about a month. I used just live rock, about 40 pounds. You can also use a raw shrimp and let it set in there. Some use a hardy fish like a damsel I would stay away from this, not fair to the fish and it is a aggressive fish. Plus if you decide you don't want it anymore it is hard to catch. There is also a solution you can add to it that I hear is pretty fast. But I would just use some LR and test your tank twice a week for three or so weeks.
I have also have a small nano.cube fish.

Nothing Good will come from rushing ANYTHING in this hobby....there are many ways of doing things, not all of them are the right way but some people gets results that they are satisfied with.

trying to cut corners and racing to get to finish line first,will end with YOU and the Animals losing in the end!

if you are not willing to wait for the cycle to run its course, of the typical 3-5 will be sacrificing the life of some of the animals that you have taken into your care.

Patience...then more be followed by Patience....and you will do great in this hobby...if not, then there is always the flip side.

i'm in the same boat. just started my cycle early this week with a cap and a half of ammonia. just saw some nitrites(.25ppm) today. like everyone else said nothing comes fast in the hobby.
Most of the comments on here already are pretty sound advice. If its your first tank though, i can relate to your anxiousness. We all went through it. Are you planning on going Fish only? Or are you planning on going right into corals? If fish only then you have a little wiggle room. If you are going straight into corals then i would definitely follow the advice above.

I recently read that one of the best ways to start a tank is to let it cycle not only for a month, but for 90-120 days with all equipment running aside from lights and with no fish or corals. That gives plenty of time for the live rock to mature and the beneficial bacteria to flourish. 120 days is pushing it though, lol. Thats 4 months staring at a dark empty tank. haha.

Looking back now, and being that i have been through about 8 tanks in the past 10 years i dont think waiting 3 months or so would be all that hard for me knowing now how important it is to not rush things. It will give you plenty of time to get your pumps and skimmers working, getting your aquascaping just right, etc.
Thanks guys. I was trying to be ready for macna and all the goodies I was going to get there. I want to do corals and fish. I am wondering is someone can rent me some space in their tank so I can still buy some corals at macna. I would pick them up after my tank has fully cycled.
I have a frag tank/quarantine area you can keep them in depending on how many. I should have enough room as i only have some montis and zoas in there at the moment. Its lit by LEDs but I cant be held liable though if the corals dont make it. Its up to you.