Dennis Shade
New member
Background: Due to a major algae issue (was not using RO/DI, LFS said "sure no problem you can use tap", know better now) we have decided to move our FOWLR set up to another tank (from a 55 to another 55g). The tank was used but thouroughly scrubbed (no soap!) and cleaned with vinegar, rinsed out several times. All the seals were replaced. Tank was filled with fresh RO/DI to test for leaks and drained.
Tank was filled with fresh RO/DI salt water (aged) and added heater, 2 powerheads, then 30 lbs of aragonite sand special grade reef sand (CaribSea stuff) . We were anticipating a very small cycle as we added most of the live rock from our previous established tank (~35 lbs right now). It has been running for exactly a month now and we have never seen a speck of ammonia but our nitrites have been consistently registering 5 on our test kit (highest it will read) and nitrates have not been rising.
Last reading (tonight) was 76.7 deg F, 1.027 salinity (refractometer), 8.2 pH, 0 ammonia, 5 nitrite, 10 nitrate, 11 dkh, Ca 360, 0 phosphates. It does not have any light, skimmer yet (on other tank) no live animals unless came in on live rock. Our canister filter is on the other tank so we have a small power filter running for mechanical filtration. No sump or refuge yet, planning for future additions.
RO/DI water tested 0 for nitrite, using Crystal Sea salt.
What's going on with our cycle? Shouldn't the nitrites be going down and nitrates be going up? We are anxious to move our 2 fish over from quarantine tank. Please advise!
Tank was filled with fresh RO/DI salt water (aged) and added heater, 2 powerheads, then 30 lbs of aragonite sand special grade reef sand (CaribSea stuff) . We were anticipating a very small cycle as we added most of the live rock from our previous established tank (~35 lbs right now). It has been running for exactly a month now and we have never seen a speck of ammonia but our nitrites have been consistently registering 5 on our test kit (highest it will read) and nitrates have not been rising.
Last reading (tonight) was 76.7 deg F, 1.027 salinity (refractometer), 8.2 pH, 0 ammonia, 5 nitrite, 10 nitrate, 11 dkh, Ca 360, 0 phosphates. It does not have any light, skimmer yet (on other tank) no live animals unless came in on live rock. Our canister filter is on the other tank so we have a small power filter running for mechanical filtration. No sump or refuge yet, planning for future additions.
RO/DI water tested 0 for nitrite, using Crystal Sea salt.
What's going on with our cycle? Shouldn't the nitrites be going down and nitrates be going up? We are anxious to move our 2 fish over from quarantine tank. Please advise!