

New member
Hi everyone,
I'm a little new to the saltwater hobby coming from fresh and planted tanks. So I'm pretty familiar with how cycling goes and the patience that is required. I'd like to run a quick question by everyone because I am by no means in a rush to start stocking my tank. I Started stocking my 90 Gallon tank April 7th with some Biospira, 30 pounds of live sand and marco dry rock. I have been monitoring the levels to assure the bacteria colony that can digest the ammonia does not die off. As of yesterday my tank has no issues turning 2 ppm of ammonia into nitrite. This is where the issue starts I am using the API test kit to test the rest of the levels. Nitrite isn't even measurable because its so high. I've read and researched and people seem to say its normal for this stage to take way longer. So my question to everyone is should I be worried that no progress has been made on this stage of the cycle or just set it and forget it for another month or so. Like I said I have no rush in terms of stocking. I've read misleading information which people seem to say its not as harmful to marine fish but I'm concerned about my nitrates which are also off the charts. Did I do something wrong? Or is this ok? Thanks again for all your help and guidance you guys seem to always have some advice for everyone and I'm hoping someone can steer me correctly.
Hi everyone,
I'm a little new to the saltwater hobby coming from fresh and planted tanks. So I'm pretty familiar with how cycling goes and the patience that is required. I'd like to run a quick question by everyone because I am by no means in a rush to start stocking my tank. I Started stocking my 90 Gallon tank April 7th with some Biospira, 30 pounds of live sand and marco dry rock. I have been monitoring the levels to assure the bacteria colony that can digest the ammonia does not die off. As of yesterday my tank has no issues turning 2 ppm of ammonia into nitrite. This is where the issue starts I am using the API test kit to test the rest of the levels. Nitrite isn't even measurable because its so high. I've read and researched and people seem to say its normal for this stage to take way longer. So my question to everyone is should I be worried that no progress has been made on this stage of the cycle or just set it and forget it for another month or so. Like I said I have no rush in terms of stocking. I've read misleading information which people seem to say its not as harmful to marine fish but I'm concerned about my nitrates which are also off the charts. Did I do something wrong? Or is this ok? Thanks again for all your help and guidance you guys seem to always have some advice for everyone and I'm hoping someone can steer me correctly.

I would allow the nitrite cycle to actually cycle. It can take a little time.... Until you see nitrates and can put an ammonia source in the water and it be gone the next day, I would not stock the tank in anyway shape or form.
Thanks Tokihacker
Thats what I read and my tank can definitely do the ammonia part because I dosed it up to 2 ppm yesterday and as of today 24 hrs later its back down to 0. I was wondering if maybe my nitrite/nitrate readings were off. They just seem to be frozen which I understand can also be possible
Thanks Tokihacker
Thats what I read and my tank can definitely do the ammonia part because I dosed it up to 2 ppm yesterday and as of today 24 hrs later its back down to 0. I was wondering if maybe my nitrite/nitrate readings were off. They just seem to be frozen which I understand can also be possible

Do a water change to try and lower those params a little. Then dose the ammonia and see what they cycle would do. At least this is what I would do.
Quit adding ammonia or your cycle will never be completed. Your cycle may take a very long time to complete due to abnormally high nitrites which will stall the cycle. You may want to find out exactly how high the nitrites are by diluting a water sample by 50% with new saltwater and retesting and then double the test result. You could also just make a very large 50% to 75% water change since you are going to need to do that anyways and then retest. You want to get your nitrites below 8pp, preferably below 5ppm so that your cycle can continue normally. Whatever you do stop dosing ammonia, doing so will only increase your nitrites and ultimately increase your nitrates to unacceptable levels.
And start doing water changes to fix what you have done..
Then just top off daily with fresh water and wait... Add nothing else but fresh water for evaporation...
And start doing water changes to fix what you have done..
Then just top off daily with fresh water and wait... Add nothing else but fresh water for evaporation...

Thanks I should have noted I did this only once in the beginning April 7th and two days ago. Just to be sure I hadn't stalled the cycle altogether, I had no plans on continuing to do so. I will be sure to water change as soon as I get home from work. Thanks to everyone who has given me feedback.