
depends on which kind of cyphastrea, branching or encrusting, and what the color on it is, generally medium flow, medium lighting
I think some more info would be greatly appreacated (spelling?)
(in my case the dedicata)

Like, do they have polyps that extend, do the little "nubs" shrink or expand if there are no polyps per say?
Do they eat? whats the growth like, lots of plating then growing upward or much plating at all?

How do you know if its happy or not if there are no polyps to extend?

I've found relativly no info about this coral online!
Here is my C. Decadia. Pic is from Jan 06

It has grown quite a bit since then, It has also gotten a green flourescense to it now that it didn't have at time of the pic. It sits on the bottom of my 24" deep tank under 400 watt Radium/HQI. Moderate flow. Never have seen polyps, but is obviously happy. Info is definitely hard to come by.

Here is some info from Reefarmers . org website. Hope they don't mind.

This Cyphastrea species is the only one within its genus that has a branching or arborescent form. It also has acropora-like axial corallites which are basically polyps that occur at the tip of each branch. The specimen that is growing out is the first one that Steve Tyree (who operates systems) has seen in captivity after working with stony corals for more then 10 years. Not only is this a rare species but it also has a very exotic coloration. The pictures here simply do not do the color much justice. The corallites are bright pink/orange while the main branch stems are dark pink/orange with a blue hue to them. In Verons Corals of the World books the coral is identified as Cyphastrea decadia while in his earlier Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific, it is identified as Cyphastrea japonica. We believe that this coral specimen originated from Jakarta. The Southern California Reeffarmer Julian Edwards actually found this coral in a local reef shops display tank. The reef dealer assumed it was an Acropora. Julian distributed a small colony to in a coral trade. Steve Tyree is maintaining this coral for in one of his 125 gallon naturally filtered Tri-Zonal EG Reef Aquariums. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positoned at about 16 inches from a 400 watt 20,000 K Radium Metal Halide. Water current is moderate.

And a little linky-
A little more from the C.I.T.E.S. website.

Kingdom : ANIMALIA
Genus : Cyphastrea
Taxon : Cyphastrea decadia Moll & Best, 1984
I have 2-250 MH HQI's and a 24 inch tall tank should I put it on the bottom of the tank right under the HQI's or I have PC 2 96W on the sides of the tank with no MH's over that section? what would you do ???
Steve has his pretty close to a 400W MH but everyone I've talked to said they do bad under direct light, they all have theirs shaded under another coral. One of the lady's in my reef club has a very large colony & she said it did great till she fragged a coral that was shading it, the side that was getting direct light completly stopped growing, the other shaded side was still growing.