
The answer is yes. And I'm wondering what is going to happen to them after the cycle... It's nice to find someone who can take damsels off of your hands, but at the same time, I would never give away any fish if I was giving it to someone who needed it for a specific purpose, and then once that purpose was fulfilled, they were going to "dispose" of them.
Personally, I don't want to see the damsel go through the cycle let alone what happens to it IF it survives.

It is totally unnecessary to put any fish through that stress when you can easily cycle a tank with a piece of shrimp or other fish from the grocery store.

Hell - I'd rather see him pee in the tank to start the cycle. (NO - don't do that Adrian. Although you will be adding ammonia you will also be adding other bacterias that probably aren't normally found in an aquarium)
I wikipediaed it immediately after posting, since coralfragger is the guy who always asks for references or proof :p


Urine excreted by healthy kidneys is sterile. When it leaves the body, however, the urine can pick up bacteria from the surrounding skin, which would contaminate it. It is not advisable to use urine to clean open wounds."

So the liquid is sterile. But Adrian probably isn't (nothing personal).
lol lmao roflmao im sterile reef i have papers to prove it lol and i do keep the damsels after the cycle ask keth and davester1 i know keith saw the damsels in the 55gallon and i got 4 from dave that i put in their so i had like 8 damsels in the 55 their kinda cool to me.
I, for one, appreciated the display that Rogger's damsel briefly gave in his 375. It would hide in the coral heads (like they do in nature, which is why they get so stressed out and aggressive in a home aquarium without coral heads for them to be protective over) and it was really cool watching it be defensive and live inside a coral head, much like their cousins, the clownfish, do in anemones.

I said brief, because if I remember correctly, the lion made quick work of the damsel :/
I have 2 yellowtail damsels in my 90, been there for a couple of years. They don't bother anyone and they really are beautiful little fish. Just because they're common and cheap doesn't mean we should treat them badly.

I know this thing is set up outside. Do you have a means to heat and cool it yet? We are looking at 40 degree temp swings within the next day.

Also - if you dried out all that rock and put only that in the tank then you also need to put "some" bacteria in there to get things started. A couple of pieces of live rock will do. The only live bacteria I would recommend is Fritz-zyme Turbo Start 900 (I think - without looking it up). It's not cheap though.
hey coral i have a heater in their its i think 250-300watt and the waters at 82 ooo and i put 2 pices of shrimp in their will it mess with the damsels ? they started to pick at it eating it
The cycle (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate spikes) is what's going to "mess" with the damsels.

My advice is to read up on the cycle process so that you can better understand the basic processes going on in your tank and why using live fish to cycle is now frowned upon.
If coral is right and this thing is set up outside 82 will be the minimal your tank is at in the coming months.
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Heaters are the last thing you need to worry about if that system is outside.
Even in the shade it will get too hot to keep corals or fish.
Start saving up now for a good chiller if you want any hope of keeping the tank alive for more than the next couple of months.

If it's under a covered porch on the north side of the house you may be able to keep the temp down with some serious fan evaporation, but I personally wouldn't even attempt it without a chiller.
Just my 2¢
Umm Adrian - you told me that you had (or were getting a chiller).

It will probably need some heat TONIGHT !!
That's a shallow tank. 4' x 4' and only probably 8" of water in it. It will cool VERY rapidly.

I hope you remade the overflow with a real bulkhead????

Don't worry about the damsels eating the shrimp. Your cycle has started.

Have you checked your ammonia level?