
It's supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow night. And is it exposed to rain, i.e. fresh water causing salinity fluctuation? This is like one of those "how many things can you find wrong with this picture". Adrian, maybe you should find a different hobby.
Enough bashing. Although it is already past my bedtime. 0530 will come pretty quickly, I can not go to bed without one more post.

This post is made with all the best intentions and sincerity.


You now have about 300 lbs of my live rock that I guess you dried out and are attempting to bring back to life. You also have one of my tanks that you are attempting to set up outside as a frag tank. In a weird way, I now feel somewhat responsible for all of this.

I know you have also been talking about getting a 210 gal off the ground for quite some time now as well. Not sure if it has water in it yet or not.

I am not saying that I am the best person for the job but if you want my assistance I will make it a point to come over to your place and see what is going on, guide you and attempt to help you get a tank up and running that will actually support life.

I can swing by any night this week and would have Sun/Mon available to do some actual work on things.

The offer is out there - It's up to you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11951479#post11951479 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
It will probably need some heat TONIGHT !!
That's a shallow tank. 4' x 4' and only probably 8" of water in it. It will cool VERY rapidly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11953422#post11953422 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
It's supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow night.
Wow, I had no idea we were in for a coldsnap.
You already have a working heater in there that you've properly calibrated, right? So the damsels should survive the night.
Surviving the cycle is another thing.

Do you have an established tank inside the house you can move the damsels to?
They aren't serving any useful purpose in the tank outside and don't deserve to going thru that kind of hell for nothing.
Take care of the live critters first and then replan your strategy on the tank to your best advantage while it's going thru it's fishless cycle.
You have a good 2-4 weeks to make arrangements and rethink/adjust the placement, equipment, etc.
Use the time wisely, and listen to the good advice you can find here.

*** Edit ***

And take Coralfragger up on the offer.
I would've loved to have had an experienced reefer offer to give me a hand when I was first starting out.
That's like money in the bank.
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I like Adrian, he's a bright kid. I've been to his home a couple of times and he's bought some equipment from me. I just think sometimes he doesn't listen to what others with experience are telling him and gets himself into trouble. Heh heh, imagine that, a teenager that won't listen and thinks he knows everything. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11953746#post11953746 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue

*** Edit ***

And take Coralfragger up on the offer.
I would've loved to have had an experienced reefer offer to give me a hand when I was first starting out.
That's like money in the bank.

you couldnt have said it better, i would have paid the reefers weight in gold that helped me out when i first started, it probably would have been cheaper LMAO:lol: