Dark grey gunk


Active member
Guys, I was levelling my sand and half inch down in one area revealed a dark grey should I call it gunk?
Any ideas what it


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Likely a build up of decaying organic material. That's why it's important not to disturb your sand too much and also, why a lot of people go with bare bottom tanks.

I personally prefer a sand bed. I vacuum about 1/8 to 1/4 of the sand bed once a month or every other month. In other words, I'm only disturbing part of the sand bed when I vacuum and, I'm removing the built up organics as opposed to allowing them to remain in the system.
No, I just level 1/4” but noticed on one area it was dark underneath
Honestly, it could be something else but, my bet is organic material. I'd make sure to run carbon and keep an eye on things and keep up with your water changes.