Darkdrako's 210g build


New member
So a little background:
I've only been reefing for a couple of years but am definitely hooked no matter how many setbacks might have stopped me. Started with a 12 gallon nanocube and ran with that for about a year. The following year, as a father's day gift, my wife found me a 75 gallon tank on craigslist. I've had the 75 for over two years now and have moved it 3 times as I moved apartments. In its current state, there it is essentially a FOWLR and in need of new corals. There are two other tanks running for about a year each that are doing well.

For this year's father's day, being that we are welcoming our second child in December, my wife purchased a brand new 210g RR tank and stand. :fun4: You could say I was just a little happy when my daughter handed me the paid receipt for the tank!:love2:

So now I have a brand new tank (that got a chip or two from trying to fit it into my cellar :sad1: but are superficial and will be fixed) just waiting to be set-up.

My thoughts are to transfer the live rock, portion of the live sand, and livestock to the 210 and make a stocking list after everything else is successful.

Being that I have a December completion date, I need to start getting to work once some money comes in. I made this sketch to generalize what I am looking to do.

Haven't quite decided on all equipment specs but would like to try my had at a DIY LED light at minimum. There will be a new steel frame designed to fit inside the original stand that will allow me to enlarge the doors and have no obstructions to the sump & refugium.

Hopefully, there will be many updates to make and keep this as up-to-date as possible so that I have a good record of my "last" upgrade until my children are old enough for me to allow me another.

So far, the current stock from my 75g are going in. All the fish are in my care for at least 2 years including:
-pair of maroon clowns
-christmas wrasse (Sri Lanka)
-snowflake eel (21" )
-fisher's angel
-pink spotted goby
-lawnmower blenny
-yellow tang (3" )

Going to also take my brother's blue chin trigger pair and probably his niger trigger. Not entirely sure if I am taking them yet.

As far as the dog, Dulce is a three year old pit bull terrier that I've had since she was 5 weeks old.

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Really nice drawing. Im no expert but it looks like everything is accounted for. One concern is the 3rd baffle (closest to the pump) is a bit too tall and will result in making the return ballvalve under water. Granted its been years since ive been on reefcentral...but the skimmer will also be mostly under water

Also, whats the deal with checkvalves? I have one on my koi pond return pumps. The cheap ones do restrict flow a bit, but some models hardly are noticeable.
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They are supposed to be true union ball valves but probably won't use them all.

The baffles will be calculated when I figure out what skimmer to use. I currently have an Octopus extreme 200 that sits in 8" of water. Might use that for now.

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As far as the dog, Dulce is a three year old pit bull terrier that I've had since she was 5 weeks old.

I've been about 8 years now without a pit. I work too much now and have acouple young boys to tend to, but when I can get a little more time I will get another, they are the best dogs I ever had!