Darn Red Bugs!!!!!!!!


New member
Yes, they're back. I treated like 8 months ago with Bayer dips, but since I've added quite a few SPS frags and they snuck back in my system. I noticed them a few weeks ago, and ordered some Interceptor Spectrum. As I was waiting for my doggie pills to come in, a couple of frags/minicolonies went from just a few bugs, to fully INFESTED! Polyp extension no more, and got really brown, I mean, turd brown.

My biggest hesitation was the fact that I have such a small tank. But I did it. On Saturday night, I dosed 1/20 of a pill to my little nano. The next morning, not a bug in sight. Woohoo!:thumbsup:

Only thing I noticed is a bit of a hair algae outbreak on a lot of frag plugs (not usual in my tank), which I imagine is fueled by some pod die off.

Thanks to Biggs for giving me some suggestions. So far so good. I plan on repeating the treatment 2 more times. I hope my bonsai colony pulls through, it was just starting to take off with some upgrowth. Wish me luck!:wavehand:
I am stuck on the same boat.. Have a ton of red bugs and was planning on ordering the pills too.. I did a dip on all corals and they came back after a few weeks so that will be my next step.
The doggie pills work. Its freaky. I literally chopped it in 20 pieces and used that. Next morning, no more bugs. All my corals did fine. I have a few acro frags that were not affected that still have great polyp extension. Its the beat up corals that are a little slower to come around. I'll try and take some pics soon. I should have taken a before pic. Must have been a thousand of those things, LOL!

I relocated my only hermit during the treatment, and put him back the next day, after having some fresh carbon and Purigen running in there for a few hours.
I think I read in sps keepers that red bugs don't really harm corals.. In other words its not like aefw that actually leave but marks but they do affect the polyp extension
I think I read in sps keepers that red bugs don't really harm corals.. In other words its not like aefw that actually leave but marks but they do affect the polyp extension

I disagree, while they do not necessarily eat the coral, or directly damage it, from what I observed over the last few weeks is that the red bugs overwhelmed the coral, causing it to loose all color. I honestly think if they were left to continue to reproduce and left as an irritant, the coral would eventually just shut down. The coral most affected in my tank was a bonsai, that had a beautiful deep blue color with great polyp extension. It looks horrible, super brown, and just nasty. I felt another few weeks, and this one would be a gonner. Just my observations. Not trying to pontificate, LOL!
Yea I hear you.. I hope you are right and it will bring some color back to my sticks too. Do the size of the pills matter ?
I've had RB for a couple of years now. Mine must be mutant ninja red bugs because I've treated at least a dozen times with interceptor and they keep coming back a few months later. The last time I tried, I cleaned everything I could, treated the system with six or seven doses, the first two doses a week apart, then dosed again every two weeks thereafter for 3 months straight! They died, and still came back again, I've not added corals or anything for around 18 months now, so no new introductions. I made sure every surface came in contact with the interceptor. These things drive me nuts.

I've just let them go now, there are now thousands of them on my smooth skin acros again for the fifth time now. I hate to look at them man. Millie's aren't bothered by the bugs it seems. They are definitely affecting color, the infested areas are lighter in color, and don't grow. Interestingly though, there are some areas on the same coral colony that are unaffected and have good color, and do grow. Which is puzzling.

I've given up trying to kill them, I can't get anymore interceptor anyhow. I throw away tons of frags regularly because I don't want to offer them to any fellow hobbyists, kinda sucks... what a bummer
I've had RB for a couple of years now. Mine must be mutant ninja red bugs because I've treated at least a dozen times with interceptor and they keep coming back a few months later. The last time I tried, I cleaned everything I could, treated the system with six or seven doses, the first two doses a week apart, then dosed again every two weeks thereafter for 3 months straight! They died, and still came back again, I've not added corals or anything for around 18 months now, so no new introductions. I made sure every surface came in contact with the interceptor. These things drive me nuts.

I've just let them go now, there are now thousands of them on my smooth skin acros again for the fifth time now. I hate to look at them man. Millie's aren't bothered by the bugs it seems. They are definitely affecting color, the infested areas are lighter in color, and don't grow. Interestingly though, there are some areas on the same coral colony that are unaffected and have good color, and do grow. Which is puzzling.

I've given up trying to kill them, I can't get anymore interceptor anyhow. I throw away tons of frags regularly because I don't want to offer them to any fellow hobbyists, kinda sucks... what a bummer

Don't let red hugs chase u out of the hobby!!! Interceptor is very effective and easy on the system. Talk to hobbiest in your area or at macna. You can get it! Next time increase your dose to 2-3 times the norm. It will work! Even if you have to play the interceptor game once or twice a year it no big deal! Now an outbreak of acro eating flatworms might chase me out of the hobby?
FWIW, I used interceptor spectrum. You cannot get the regular interceptor anymore, plant was shut down so it's not being made. Seems a lot of people have used spectrum without issue. Today again no bugs. Still have more algae than usual. I will add an extra water change per week for the next month or so until everything is back to normal.
I do about a 30-40% water change after I dose with interceptor to keep the algae down.
I've had RB for a couple of years now. Mine must be mutant ninja red bugs because I've treated at least a dozen times with interceptor and they keep coming back a few months later. The last time I tried, I cleaned everything I could, treated the system with six or seven doses, the first two doses a week apart, then dosed again every two weeks thereafter for 3 months straight! They died, and still came back again, I've not added corals or anything for around 18 months now, so no new introductions. I made sure every surface came in contact with the interceptor. These things drive me nuts.

I've just let them go now, there are now thousands of them on my smooth skin acros again for the fifth time now. I hate to look at them man. Millie's aren't bothered by the bugs it seems. They are definitely affecting color, the infested areas are lighter in color, and don't grow. Interestingly though, there are some areas on the same coral colony that are unaffected and have good color, and do grow. Which is puzzling.

I've given up trying to kill them, I can't get anymore interceptor anyhow. I throw away tons of frags regularly because I don't want to offer them to any fellow hobbyists, kinda sucks... what a bummer

When I have used interceptor I always used extra. I read on Melevs Reef for info. Last time I treated the tank was about 3-4 years ago.

Thank God its only red bugs. Red bugs are probably the easiest to kill. Ive almost thrown in the towel a couple times when finding AEFW or MEN. Well actually, last time i did, but now i have my current tank, so im happy. LOL
I went through MEN too. I basically trashed my montis purposely and only kept 2 I really wanted to keep and dipped those for a few weeks. I have about 8 different montis now and have not seen any of those little devils in months, but I still watch out for them. I would imagine they would have shown themselves by now. They origionally came in on a spongodes frag that I should have just tossed because it looked like crapola. Well, I guess you live and learn! These redbugs have been suprisingly easy to manage....SO FAR!
So this is normal then? Good to hear. I assume its from pod die off?

I do a large water change to get the interceptor out and the pod die off which would cause the algae of not removed. Good skimming and carbon are important also.
I do a large water change to get the interceptor out and the pod die off which would cause the algae of not removed. Good skimming and carbon are important also.

I did a largish water change, and plan on another in the next day or so. Will add one extra water change per week. I did add fresh carbon and purigen. This is a nano, so no skimmer. Part of the reason I was nervous to do this from the beginning. I'm doing a water change tonight, LOL! You got me nervous :D
Is it better to use interceptor or can you just dip in bayer advanced? I have way to many snails and crabs and don't want to take them all out.