Darn Red Bugs!!!!!!!!

I would only dip if you only had a few corals or frags. Makes it easier to manage. If you had established colonies, then a global treatment is the only way to go IMHO.
Hey thanks for the advice. Hmm, well I dosed 400mg of original interceptor for ~160 gallons of system volume each time and it seemed to kill them. The juveniles or eggs must not be getting killed. What would be a "safe" max dose of the new type of interceptor would you think for 160g volume? Double or triple that to a full gram? I'm getting hopeful again lol
Hey thanks for the advice. Hmm, well I dosed 400mg of original interceptor for ~160 gallons of system volume each time and it seemed to kill them. The juveniles or eggs must not be getting killed. What would be a "safe" max dose of the new type of interceptor would you think for 160g volume? Double or triple that to a full gram? I'm getting hopeful again lol

What I did was calculate the amount of active ingredient recommended per gallon, and just did the math with the spectrum. In my case, it worked out to be 1/22 of a large pill. I'll post the numbers I used tomorrow, they are on my office desk, LOL!:lmao:
Hey thanks for the advice. Hmm, well I dosed 400mg of original interceptor for ~160 gallons of system volume each time and it seemed to kill them. The juveniles or eggs must not be getting killed. What would be a "safe" max dose of the new type of interceptor would you think for 160g volume? Double or triple that to a full gram? I'm getting hopeful again lol

I have not used the new interceptor, only the old one so I don't know the amount. Red bugs are live bearers so there are no eggs like AEFW. When dosing make sure you have lots of flow since there are so many nooks and crannies. Add extra powerheads or pumps if you have some. Move them around to different locations during the treatment. Several dosings is good to get the hidden ones.
Based on the research I did, the average dose of interceptor was 0.06mg of Milibemycin Oxime (active ingredient) per gallon of water. I think the big pill as like 23mg or so of MO, so with a little algebra you can kinda figure it out, LOL! This is what I did, and seemed to work. As an update, algae outbreak was something I was not expecting, and is pretty significant. I'm not used to seeint any algae in my tank! Looks like I will loose one acro (a red dragon variety), which the funny thing is it was never affected by redbugs, but never really seemed happy in my tank, so I guess that's what happens. No signs of bugs on any coral. No signs of pods either :(
Yes, the biggest chewies. I don't think it matters as long as you know how much ingredient there is. I only did one treatment, and have not seen a bug since. I'm hesitant to do another because of the algae outbreak I got. I'm just starting to get over it now, lol!
Do you have a pic of what these look like. I've been battling with my acros and starting to think it could be pests. I've looked for bugs and even ordered a nanoscope but I don't see anything.
Yeah, its my photo. This was the first time I noticed redbugs. It was a small frag, and I beat it with Bayer then. Somehow, they worked their way back into my system. Since I had more frags and minicolonies, the tank wide treatement of Interceptor was a better fit. I had a few acros with some decent bases that I could not remove. Thanks!
Basically mix tank water with bayer and dip. I use 2mL per cup of tank water for 10 minutes, but some use up to 20mL per cup which I think is ridiculous, but seems to work.

At 1-2mL per cup, it will definitely knock those bugs off a frag.
Ok Eddie, I'll do another treatment this weekend. Keep in mind I have a 14 gallon, so all the bad stuff gets amplified, lol.

On a positive note, my bonsai hat turned turd brown is now a nice blue-brown lol!
Do all three as melevsreef recommends or they will come back. Guess how i know.

regarding brown sps, dont count them out. Brown just means they are upset. its better than bone white.