Is it better to use interceptor or can you just dip in bayer advanced? I have way to many snails and crabs and don't want to take them all out.
Hey thanks for the advice. Hmm, well I dosed 400mg of original interceptor for ~160 gallons of system volume each time and it seemed to kill them. The juveniles or eggs must not be getting killed. What would be a "safe" max dose of the new type of interceptor would you think for 160g volume? Double or triple that to a full gram? I'm getting hopeful again lol
Hey thanks for the advice. Hmm, well I dosed 400mg of original interceptor for ~160 gallons of system volume each time and it seemed to kill them. The juveniles or eggs must not be getting killed. What would be a "safe" max dose of the new type of interceptor would you think for 160g volume? Double or triple that to a full gram? I'm getting hopeful again lol
. I'm hesitant to do another because of the algae outbreak I got. I'm just starting to get over it now, lol!