Dawrf Zebra Lionfish


New member
Well I 38 gallon tank got a major cleaning over the weekend and now I would like some advice. I was thinking of getting a Dawrf Zebra Lionfish. The tank has beeb running for over a year. The only residents at this time are about 5 hermit crabs and 5 certh.snails and one Mex. turbo snail. I have about 15 to 20 pounds of live rock, with arches ad caves. Could I put this fish in this tank???
sounds perfect, you might even be able to keep two. I would get one each, dwarf zebra and fuzzy dwarf. I'd consider adding more live rock, maybe another 15-20 lbs.
Naw, one is enough, Ithink for now...lol. I was thinking of getting a couple more tonga branches, so i can have a few more over hangs.
I think it depends on the dimensions of the tank and the filtration. I don't know what a 38 gallon tank looks like. If they were the only two fish in the tank, there was plenty of rock cover, and the filtration were excellent, I think it would be ok, at least for two smaller specimens. If you aren't comfortable putting two in the tank, then I would just have one, as you suggested. However, IME, it is MUCH easier to get a dwarf fuzzy to eat frozen. Zebras are more difficult, but easier if they have a frozen-eating fuzzy dwarf tankmate to get their competitive edge going...