Dead PSUs and my 7095 is not working.


New member
I had 3, yes 3 power supply units die on me over the weeked... one for a 6105 and two 6055s. The weird thing is that now when any of the remaing working pumps are plugged into my 7095 they dont work. Is my 7095 dead aswell? All the lights are lighting up, the only difference is that the lights on the power level dont go the whole way up to the top despite the dial turned to max. Did my pumps kill the 7095???
This can have several causes.

If the pumps are smaller models set to lower voltages there may not be enough power to light the top LEDs. Make sure 6105 is at 18V, 6055 is at 24V and that the 6105 potentiometer on the small junction box is up all the way.

A pump that is jammed can also cause this as it needs more power and starves the controller. Make sure they are clean.

If the cables are corroded or the sockets this can also cause this.

In general the setting is still 100%, but the overall resistance of corroded cable or lower voltage to the pump or higher current draw by a dirty pump is starving the controller of the power it needs to light up that top 100% LED which has the highest resistance.
They're definetly dead.

I just cleaned the pumps. Voltages are correct and the little white dial on the 6105 is at max. When I plug all the pumps into other working PSUs I have they works fine.

When the pump is running I plug the cable into the 7095 and the pump stops working imediately. I've also checked the settings to make sure its getting power.

Very strange.