Debating on moving it or taking a break

In a few weeks we are moving about 10 miles away and I am really on the fence about my 180. After going through spinal surgery last year I have really let it run down and lost motivation. I keep going back and forth about taking it down and maybe at some point starting fresh. They again most of fish I have had for 6 or 7 years and would really miss them. Then again the though of moving this tank is giving my nightmares...
Marty, take it down, sell all coral, fish and equipment you don't need. If there are fish, corals you are really attached to that you won't be able to replace, I am sure it won't be hard to find someone to hold them. It would be a headache trying to transfer the tank along with moving the family, and in the end you have the same old tank.
Put the money from the stuff you sell towards a new 220g, or whatever would look nice in your new house that's within the budget.
congrats on the new house
There are plenty of professionals who will come, break down your tank, move it and then set it back up for you.

I am selling off my tank of 9 plus years, I have had tanks for 11 years. I can tell you it is hard to sell off the fish and corals I have taken care of for so long. But my move is a lot farther.

You wont sell if for what it will cost you to replace it and you will loose money to get a new one. Spend the money and have someone move it.
If your thinking of getting out temporarily just keep the equipment so you won't be taking such a huge punch getting back into the hobby later on
I can't decide what to do with it. I have a few week to figure it out. The whole situation sucks as I truly enjoy it put let it run down the last year.
I downsized and have considerably less stress. Don't miss the work and worry. Also, moving a large tank is a pain, not good for the back. I can move my nano by myself :bum: