Beerguy, great job on setting this up. Unfortunately, there are limitations you must deal with, and you've handled that as well as anyone could expect.
Everyone else, what helped me the most was to look at all the thumbnails for composition. To me, this immediately limited the choices down to about 6 or 8 photos worth looking at more closely. Then you have to blow these up to full size, understanding that come clarity is lost in all of them, but it should also be equal in all of them. This dropped the choices down to 4, because I'm picky about focus being spot on, and in all but just a couple of these, it is not.
In the end, I voted for a photo I wouldn't have normally cared much about. I've never had that kind of fish, even though they're pretty common. However, from a technical side, it seems to be the hardest to catch of all of these, and if nothing else, is the best executed.