December Trading


New member
anybody want two xlg pajama cardinals or a fat, med/lg bangaii cardinal?
I also have a frag or two of;
ORA green polyp toadstool
Green toadstool
regular toadstool
ORA devils hand leather (green polyp in the right light)
lg. frags cabbage leather
radioactive dragon eye zoa
eagle eye zoa
5" rock of green button polyps
40+ pastel blue/pink/green true paly's
arrow crab
some nassarius vibex snails
some cerith snails

take just about any coral but xenia in trade. watcha got?
Bring em' to the meeting. I believe some of the folks from IRCreefing will be coming too! I hope alot of people come. I ain't gonna clean and cook for nothing! Lol..

How much for the Bangaii's? I lost one to a gorilla crab (I think) He just disapeared. Didn't even see a trace of it.
I only have one now. He is lonely.

I would like to try the green polyp toadstool and maybe some zoas.

Got pics?
DAM......I was reading Ricks original post and thinking "Oh, oh, oh.....I got LOTS of Xenia I could trade.!!" hahahahaha

I'm gonna try my hand at fragging the bright green trumpet I have. As I understand it, you can just break off a branch, yes? I wanna put a piece in the office tank, and in my smaller tank. Then when they grow more....I can frag to trade. (o: