Deep Blue Profressional Solar xtreme

I have a Deep Blue, and it has worked great for me. The only thing I dont like is every time the power is shut off you hve to reprogram. The first thing you will want to do if you do buy is change out the bulbs they are junk.
Ok I'm thinking about buying one but if I have to replace the bulbs as soon as I get it. I might just go with the aquatic life fixture....
a friend of mine has a aquatic life unit on his 125 , put out good light but agian the bluls are not the greatest also he is unable to change the programing on the comtroler that is built in,,,,, ill say to you what i said to him you get what you pay for the 2 most expensive things you are going to spend on setting up a system is your skimmer and lighting, if you go cheap you may not be happy with what you get , spend the extra money up front and you will not end up turning around later and spending it all over agian . my self i learned the hard way ,
Jim, he should be able to change the programming on the Aquatic Life fixture. If he is having problems, tell him to give me a call and I will help him program it...if it still won't program, we can give Aquatic Life a call and get him a new timer. They are really easy to replace.
hi, i just got a solar xtreme deep blue fixture and I will say that it is a pain to reprogram after power cycle. I actually cannot get the 1 and 3 bulbs to work. I think it may be broken because I am sure I am programming it correctly. Anyone got any ideas? I know the bulbs are good bc I have checked them in the 2 and 4 bulb spots. Help!!!!
Did you try calling the place you bought it from and asking them for help? I am sure they can help you.
I just got one of these last night for 179.99. Set it up easily and the timer was easy to program as well. Takes 30 seconds. I'm happy with it so far. I only wish they made a 30" version, even if it does hold 24" bulbs cause my tank is a 37 high. Overall though it's much better than what I was using, a zoo med 2 bulb and a coralife 2 bulb. At least this one has individual reflectors, cooling fan, etc. I'm not sure about the bulbs. I had ZooMed bulbs previously, the color looks very similar to them.
Thanks everyone for the input! I decided to go with a nova fixture that a friend had for sale. I am very pleased with the result.
Thanks everyone for the input! I decided to go with a nova fixture that a friend had for sale. I am very pleased with the amount of light this fixture puts out.