Delaware Valley Reef Club 2011 Frag Swap


New member
Delaware Valley Reef Club
2011 Frag Swap
King of Prussia Fire Hall
170 Allendale Rd
King of Prussia, PA 19406

April 9, 2011
11:00 - 3:00pm

Special Guest Ken Nedimyer
Founder of Coral Restoration Foundation

Sponsors Include:
Champion Lighting Supply
East Coast Aquatics
Pacific East Aquaculture
The Frazer Zoo
5 Star Reef Bar

$10 for Members
$15 for NonMembers
$25 NonMember and Club Membership
$35 Member Swapper w/Tank
$40 NonMember Swapper w/Tank,67.0.html
Yes Id like to go, I have three elegance , one that id like to trade for something(not sure what), but if I walk in there and see a bunch of tables set up with people having tanks on them with price tags on frags, , Ill be having a real bad attitude. Unless they change the name to frag flea market.
There will be some of the local stores selling corals as well as people setting up stuff for trade/sale on fragswapper
DVRC Frag Swap 2011 Schedule

Doors open 11:00 am
Photography Demo/Talk - 11:15 - 11:45
Clownfish Breed talk – 12:00 - 12:30
Coral Raffle 12:30 - 1:00
Ken Nedimyer’s talk 1:00 - 2:00
LED Demo 2:15 - 2:45
Drygoods Raffle 2:45 - 3:00
Swap Ends 3:00

Tank got you down?

AEFW, red bugs, unidentified voltage, fish loss, flatworms, killer snails, cyano, hair algae, bubble algae, green algae, brown algae, red algae, velvet, or ich?

Come to the DVRC Frag Swap and


Rebuild, redecorate, and reenergize your interest in the hobby with the biggest frag swap in the Delaware Valley!

11 AM - 3 PM
April 9th at the King of Prussia Firehall
170 Allendale Road, King Of Prussia, PA 19406.

Visit our site for all the latest information ( and join the fun on the forums.

Hope to see you there!
Ken is doing an absolutely amazing and incredible job with the coral reef restoration project. It is a great opportunity to listen to what he has done, is doing and his vision. I have visted Ken and seen the operation and also just this last weekend heard him speak at NERAC. Absolutely inspiring. !!!

Not just worth going and listening to the talk, but also to get involved in volunteering to help.
Ken is doing an absolutely amazing and incredible job with the coral reef restoration project. It is a great opportunity to listen to what he has done, is doing and his vision. I have visted Ken and seen the operation and also just this last weekend heard him speak at NERAC. Absolutely inspiring. !!!

Not just worth going and listening to the talk, but also to get involved in volunteering to help.

Sanjay,are you planning to go?I would love to see his talk.This is really whats it all about ,saving the reefs.Great concept for sure
Sanjay, thanks for the support. We would love to have you join us.

All, I have to agree with Sanjay. I've seen Ken speak multiple times and visited him down in Florida and it is truly inspiring. I was very happy he agreed to speak at our swap.
Sanjay,are you planning to go?I would love to see his talk.This is really whats it all about ,saving the reefs.Great concept for sure


I cannot go since I committed to going to the Manhattan Frag Swap on April 10th. Also, I just was at NERAC and spent some time with Ken there and heard his talk again.

Right,the spring has too many swaps (if thats possible lol) to attend all you desire so I hear ya loud and clear.Sounds like a good time for sure
It's an awesome time to be a reefer. DVRC has lined up an outstanding list of vendors for our upcoming fragswap. Check this out...

Amwell Bird Hospital
Aquacorps Design Studio
Brightwell Aquatics
Champion Lighting
Dr Mac's Pacific East Aquaculture
East Coast Aquatics
The Frazer Zoo
The Hidden Reef
Jason Fox
Two Little Fishies

We still have a few more cool surprises coming in the vendor space so stay tuned.

Some of the vendors are taking pre-orders and delivering to the swap so take advantage of the free shipping.

For great deals on some cool frags and equipment, check out our swap on

And if you really want a bargain, sign up as a DVRC member to take advantage of our group buy on dry goods. Get a discount on admission and pick up your order at the swap.

Check out the swap page and our forums at
The New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences (Camden Aquarium) and their touch tank. Come touch a live shark and live to tell about it...

Tank will have sharks and rays. Sounds cool especially if its raining Sat
What to do what to do what to do…

How about coming to the DVRC Frag Swap and check out the New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences and their touch tank. Come touch a live shark and live to tell about it...

Having a problem with redbugs? Get to the swap and get some Interceptor from Dr Jim!

Heater explode? Pump too noisy? Lights getting dim? Get to the swap and upgrade your stuff from Champion Lighting!

Is your tank jam packed? Get to the swap and sell or trade some or upgrade to a bigger custom tank from Aquacorps Design Studio!

Finally decided you better start dipping your new frags? Get to the swap and pick up some Revive from Two Little Fishies!

Tank looking a little barren? Get to the swap and you’ve got oodles of options – Get some off the charts corals from Jason Fox, Dr Mac, Frazer Zoo, East Coast Aquatics, and The Hidden Reef!

Corals brown? Slow growth? Get to the swap and color up your corals and jump start their growth with additives from Brightwell Aquatics.

Check out Dr Jim’s Zeovit raised frags and learn the scoop on Zeovit. Dr Jim’s been running it for years and can tell you all about it. While you’re there ask Dr Jim about his pre-quarantined fish!

Interested in helping restore a real coral reef? Get to the swap and talk to Ken Nedimyer!

So many things to see. So many things to do. All at the 2011 DVRC Frag Swap. This Saturday in King of Prussia


What would a frag swap be without raffles? We're not planning to find out. Here's just some of the awesome stuff lined up for our swap.

Sony Playstation 3
Fujifilm Finepix XP10 waterproof camera with a 4 GB SD card
Ice Cap Reef Illuminations T5/LED 48" fixture
Everything Plastic Custom Sump "“ 30" x 14" x 16"
Reef Angel controller
ASM G2 Protein Skimmer
Aqua Classic 25w UV Sterilizer
Typhoon 5 stage RODI
CPR CS90 overflow
Bulk Reef Supply Dual BRS GFO and Carbon Reactor w/ 1/2gal GFO
Reef Gently Acclimate
Premium Aquatics Heavy Duty Refractometer
Sybon Digital Submersible Thermometer
ESV B-Ionic 2-part
Gift Certificates for Champion Lighting, Air, Water & Ice, and Buckeye Field Supply
5 Star ReefBar
Frags, frags, and more frags

Attached is some info to help you with parking when you arrive.


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