Dendrochirus brachypterus

Flash Fish

New member

I would like to know what is the best food to give to this pretty, and what are you opinions about this fish, I have him in my 50g reef tank.

I bought him yesterday, and it cost me 100$, yes I now is a outrage, but the prices here in Europe... is better make no comments.

Thanks in advance.
Try feeding it pieces of shrimp, krill and silver sides.

Yes that is a lot for a Fuzy Dwarf Lion fish but I guess that the market over in Europe. Like all Lion fish they stay on the bottom waiting for food.
we feed prawns, fish and such from fish markets nearby.

i have found fuzzy's tend to hide the most out of the lions i have kept and tend to be less free swimming.

Nice fish and alot easier to keep alive and train than others
i love my fuzzy dwarf and after a few weeks in my 75 gal, he is a pretty active swimmer, especially if my dog is watching over the tank :)

he'll be fine in a 50 gal, as he/she will only be 5-7 inches full grown. (not sure how that converts to cm).

if you can get some frozen krill or silversides, those are a good start to getting him/her to eat. if the fish won't take frozen, don't panic. give it a few days and try again.

good luck with your new fish.

unfurtunately until now he only eat live fishes ( molys ), IÃ"šÃ‚´m still trying whit frozen food, but... he doesÃ"šÃ‚´t show any interest...
please read that link i provided, it goes into detail about keeping these fish as well as weaning them over to dead prepared foods. I suspect it will be easier on you and more nutritional better for the dwarf fuzzy lion for you to wean it over.
ThankÃ"šÃ‚´s FMarini

I have already read that article... and I have try some of the techniques explained there, but unfortunately, until now, none worked.

I canÃ"šÃ‚´t find ghost shrimp in any pet store, near me... that would improve is diet.