Detached stripped green mushroom


New member
Six days ago I bought 3 fragments with mushrooms on them. My green hairy and my blue mushrooms are doing well and have been opening everyday.

My stripped green 'shroom in the other hand, detached from its rock while acclimation and haven't re-attached to anything. The rock where it came on has a "film" where it used to lay which I suspect is super-glue.

After moving the mushroom to the main tank, I put it on a cup with some small rocks on the bottom, but I have already found it twice upside-down.

These are my first pieces of coral, so I am learning what they like/dislike/act.

My questions are: 1- How long does it usually take for them to re-attach? 2- Is it possible there is super-glue on its base, preventing it from attaching? 3- Should I allow more time since it has been on the tank for only 5 days and it might be still acclimating? 4- Why I've read to not use mechanical filtration when mushrooms are in the system?

i can tell you with my mushrooms i usually place the on a rock and strech an old pair of pantyhose over top and leave them for 7 to 10 days then they are usually attached. the rest sorry i can't answer.