developing monit digitata fetish, where do i get my fix?

nemo g

New member
just wondering if there are any quality sites that offer decent size monti frags. digitata preferred but some nice colored caps or encrusting would be fine as well.

im leary of many sites that like to price 1" frags for $50 and one never knows if and by how much the colors where inhanced.

thanks for the help,

nG Rommel has nice stuff I have purchased from him twice and have always got really nice stuff...... He usually carries some nice monti caps....
clk, thanks for the site, but not too much os a selection, only one hit in ct :confused:

mf, they have some nice frags, but $$$$$ ouch. a lot of the stuff is "extra small". wonder how "big" that is :D
Check out the sponsers section on RC.

If you want to buy from an RC member. Leishman has some really cool encrusting montis. Shoot him a PM I am sure he will send you some pics.
unfortunately, nothing local. if like to have some assurace that i wont get jipped (ebay victim). so if i cant see it in person, i want to be able to ***** or stop cc payment if i had to.

:uzi: die ebay scum, die :uzi:

sorry :D

have you had any luck getting frags from there?
Nemo, how far from boston are you? We've got a huge club. I think CTARS is pretty decent too. I'm sure some people around have what you want.
There are alot of good sellers on . Alot of members from here.

There is also a sell OWSI which is local to me and sells his grape and green monti digi on there for 10bucks . Stand up guy . If I must I will go thru and point out some other trusted sellers.

Tankrasied is the best way to go .