New member
Hey guys. No pictures. So, the devil's hand came with the tank (got it back in May). The polyps never came out, and it's been pouting more than usual the past month or so (it closed right up). It's been getting red algae on it the past few weeks, so I've been cleaning it off with the target feeder. However, when I cleaned it a few minutes ago half of it was rotten and came right off. Legit, it looks like big chunks of sponge falling off. No, it's not shedding. I know what shedding looks like and this is something else.
Salinity 1.025
Nitrates 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
pH 7.9 (low, I know. It was 7.5 in August)
Temperature 75°F
Phosphate 0
KH 8 dkh
Calcium 420
Magnesium 1350?
The devil is maybe 2" away from an acro. Might that be the problem? But wait, the part that rotted off is the side furthest from the acro... Should I do a freshwater dip? Obviously something is going extremely wrong. I think I'll cut it off the rock and put it on a frag shelf or something. Thanks guys. We're actually having a bit of trouble with the tank right now. The guy we buy our salt from recommended this other salt, so we used that for the past couple of months and noticed the corals haven't been doing as well. Some even started bleaching. Lost a birds nest. Anyways, turns out that salt is supposed to be used for FOWLR, not reef tanks. The dendros have been upset, too. They're rarely out now.
Salinity 1.025
Nitrates 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
pH 7.9 (low, I know. It was 7.5 in August)
Temperature 75°F
Phosphate 0
KH 8 dkh
Calcium 420
Magnesium 1350?
The devil is maybe 2" away from an acro. Might that be the problem? But wait, the part that rotted off is the side furthest from the acro... Should I do a freshwater dip? Obviously something is going extremely wrong. I think I'll cut it off the rock and put it on a frag shelf or something. Thanks guys. We're actually having a bit of trouble with the tank right now. The guy we buy our salt from recommended this other salt, so we used that for the past couple of months and noticed the corals haven't been doing as well. Some even started bleaching. Lost a birds nest. Anyways, turns out that salt is supposed to be used for FOWLR, not reef tanks. The dendros have been upset, too. They're rarely out now.