DI Resin Source


I'm on the hunt for a place where I can order large lot DI resin. I currently buy it in 7 pound bags from Bulk Reef Supply, but there has to be a cheaper source for it where I could get it big bags or small drums. I'm burning through a cartridge every few weeks (topoff + 35 gallon per week water changes), so buying it in 50 pound bags may be worth it for me. I also have a vacuum sealer so I could break it down into smaller bags for storage.

Anyone know where I can get it in bulk?

what are your TDS and water pressure......

also, i think the filter guys have kati/ani canisters. its the same as your DI but its seperated. (in normal di, they are mixed.)
this way it works better and last longer, but they cost a lot....
and when its time, you can just re-charge them.

maybe that will help.
(you shouldnt burn through too much DI unless your water is as bad as mine, or if you dont have enough water pressure.
also, check for chloramines if you dont run proper filters, the chloramine will kill your membrane and be almost usless against standard carbon filters...
My TDS is 7 going into the DI and 0 coming out, and my water pressure is around 60PSI.

I've done the recharge thing...it was a huge hassle and didn't work well for me. I would burn through the recharged stuff in a few days per canister. It isn't worth my time...
