Did LFS sell me the wrong Cu test?


New member
I just completed a 6 week hypo salinity treatment and it didn't work. Over the course of 4 days I lowered my s.g. from 1.020 to 1.009. While the ich was visible I did fresh water dips 2x daily. After going four weeks with no visible signs of ich and with all fish eating and behaving normally I began restoring the s.g. to 1.009. The very next day all three fish had ich again. I put my fish in a q.t. and went to the LFS to get chelated copper. The manager specifically picked out the red sea copper test kit for me. For once in my life I completely read the entire pamphlets and found that they sold me a test kit for non-chelated copper treatments. The Mardel Coppersafe treatment says to use a chelated copper test. Red Sea's website does not show that they make a chelated test kit. Am I right in not using this test kit? I really wanted to start medicating tonight but will wait for some here to help or just go back to the LFS tomorrow (I live about an hour from a LFS... guess it's just a FS then).