Dien's 250G Build


Premium Member
Convinced the S.O. to finally let me set this bad boy up. Had many tanks over the years from a 46->12->180->60->75->30->90->40 and now my 250 72x30x27 by Jeff(former owner of Oceanic) at the now defunct Dallas Aquarium & Pond who shut his doors and went to Deep Sea Aquatics.

My first official reef tank I did on my own back in 2005:

Her'es a pic of my 90G I had up for a little more than a year:

I picked up the 250 and started on the stand in November:

In December I tore down the 90 and moved some of the livestock into a 75 that I had drilled and plan to use as the sump for the 250 eventually. Also I started playing around with LEDs:

Shortly after I started to skin the frame with 1/4" Cherry plywood:

It was pretty cold in Texas so I waited until March to apply varnish to the skin so that it would cure correctly. What did I do in the meantime? I bought a bunch of cherry and started planing it but then my blades wore down. Stripped some screws replacing the blade and got busy with some side projects building sumps for people.

Finally filled this tank up almost two weeks ago. Had a sump I built using some cheap test acrylic that I'm using now temporarily. In it is an old Euroreef with a Tunze pump.

More to come soon including equipment list, skimmer comparisons and LED build.
Here are some pics I took last night:


Got the ATB 105 Deluxe sitting on the ground awaiting the new sump to be done. Also got another Askoll based skimmer coming in to compare it to later on.

Tonight I plan to finish up the LED build as I got my last package from Rapid LED today. :celeb3:
Almost done with the LEDs. Need to wire up the fans and add a glass shield and I'm done.



Tank color is a mix of those two kind of. Water definitely has that 14-20k look but there's some purple/pink hue to it also.

Will post up pics of the ATB in action soon.