Different coral glues

This is what I'm currently using, dollar store was out of there glue.


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This is much more cheaper 2$ chinese store and is 20g and say cianoacrilato



Can I buy this?
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I find the cyanoacrtylite is not strong enough on its own. My tangs and tuxedo urchins like to quality check my frag mounting. What I have found to work is to a small ball of putty with some cyanoacrtylite on both sides. It creates a pretty good bond that is about 90% successful against tangs and tuxedos.

Pincushion urchins on the other hand... they snap off 1/2 inch thick branches to wear as a hat.
Super glue gel (or any other coral glue) + plus some type of putty like water weld really is an awesome bond, just know that with water weld and some of the puttys it will make your skimmer go insane.
Hi Everyone

What do you prefer? The loctite or the glue from chinese store?


Usually when I go to the chinese store, I order some general tso's chicken and maybe some fried rice. For my glue, I tend to go to a LFS that carries BSI
Hi Everyone

What do you prefer? The loctite or the glue from chinese store?


Neither. First the Loctite is tough is get every ounce out. Secondly, I wouldn't put something made IN China in my tank (yes I get that plenty of stuff is made in China including items in this hobby). Also, I know about 3 words in Chinese but I'm guessing that packaging is in Spanish. Can't say I'd trust that in my tank. Also, bonus points for the typos on the packaging.

As mentioned, BSI is popular. Anything getting attached to rockwork, I use this.

As cheap as superglue is, I wouldn't cheap out too much on it. FAOIS regularly stocks BSI & often has a good sales price on it.