Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper lite


Premium Member
I just got this controller, which allows you to use one probe out of the box... I believe to use more probes like the ph and salinity probe I would need to get the 5 port hub? Does anyone know if that is correct?

I just got this controller, which allows you to use one probe out of the box... I believe to use more probes like the ph and salinity probe I would need to get the 5 port hub? Does anyone know if that is correct?


You would need to purchase either a SL1 or a SL2 depending on what probes you want.
I wanted to add...not all probes are created equally. That temp probe you got that came with the kit will only work in a bus type plug, the pH (and ORP) probes are a standard BNC connection and the Salinity probe is a flat out custom plug that only works in the SL2. Since we only have 4 modules total we have to choose wisely. :)

I'm planning on running two PL4s, and an SL1 running 2 ph probes. That leaves me room for one more, although to be honest I'll probably upgrade to the RKE if I'm still in this hobby a year from now.
Fizz, great info... I was thinking the SL2. Gives me extra temp, but more importantly the ph and salinity probes... if I go more then that I too will probably upgrade.. though at the rate I go that could be 10 years. :spin2:

I just got done combining my two tanks together. I have 1 in-wall 55 with a 20 sump and 1 20high with a 10 sump (free standing). I drilled two holes in the wall behind the 20's stand and ran a drain to the 55's 20gal sump and a return back. So now I have one sump for top off which I plan to drill and add a float. This is the sump I have the controller on.. so both takes same temp now.. !!! So making thing easier on myself.. building my rock work up wanting to get back at the zoo's which i've had problems keeping in the long run. I have a hammer I got from Dan R at the penn state swap.... which is the size of a small dinner plate after three frags. The three frags are now the size of a kids fist. I also have a fist size candycane ... so not sure why the zoo's elude me... but that is for another discussion..! thanks again for the reply!

I wanted to add...not all probes are created equally. That temp probe you got that came with the kit will only work in a bus type plug, the pH (and ORP) probes are a standard BNC connection and the Salinity probe is a flat out custom plug that only works in the SL2. Since we only have 4 modules total we have to choose wisely. :)

I'm planning on running two PL4s, and an SL1 running 2 ph probes. That leaves me room for one more, although to be honest I'll probably upgrade to the RKE if I'm still in this hobby a year from now.