Until recently, I had my Profilux connected to an older computer with serial port.
Unfortunately, the old pc has given up the ghost and I used a generic serial to usb adapter.
At first glance, everything seemed to work fine, but I've just noticed that I can't choose which channel to use the moon phase and rain days for.
The choices just don't appear at all on the simulation page, and the simulation options are greyed out on the individual illumination pages.
Is this an adapter issue, or can anyone think of another reason?
I'm using an older version of Profilux control ( and the simulation was working perfectly before.
Unfortunately, the old pc has given up the ghost and I used a generic serial to usb adapter.
At first glance, everything seemed to work fine, but I've just noticed that I can't choose which channel to use the moon phase and rain days for.
The choices just don't appear at all on the simulation page, and the simulation options are greyed out on the individual illumination pages.
Is this an adapter issue, or can anyone think of another reason?
I'm using an older version of Profilux control ( and the simulation was working perfectly before.