Dimmable Moonlight problem, maybe related to serial/usb adapter?


New member
Until recently, I had my Profilux connected to an older computer with serial port.
Unfortunately, the old pc has given up the ghost and I used a generic serial to usb adapter.

At first glance, everything seemed to work fine, but I've just noticed that I can't choose which channel to use the moon phase and rain days for.
The choices just don't appear at all on the simulation page, and the simulation options are greyed out on the individual illumination pages.

Is this an adapter issue, or can anyone think of another reason?

I'm using an older version of Profilux control ( and the simulation was working perfectly before.
I agree with doggydoc, serial to USB adapter may be a problem though. Try getting a loaner laptop for the update with the port to avoid possible problems with adapter.
Thanks. The problem is that nobody I know has a laptop with a serial port, and also, on the old pc I had no problems with the software. Have been using that version for years, as it does everything I need it to do.
Doesn't GHL make an adapter that works with their cable?
It's possible, not sure if they have or recommend using adapters. One would think they would update these connectors with new systems. Maybe in the near future I hope. It would make things much easier.
do the update using the serial adapter but use the fujitsu tool to do the update this is the factory way of updates and the most reliable and fastest, you also do not have to worry about what version you are starting from

follow these links, they both relate to if the update failed but the instructions are the same

ProfiLux 3

ProfiLux Plus II

Please note - You can not do an update this way using USB to USB it must be through the serial port either native or via a USB to serial adapter.
Fixed it for now by installing a slightly older version of the control software.
Maybe the download of the other version was corrupt. It's just strange that everything else on it was working just fine.