Dino Help!


New member
Hey All,

Looking for some help with Dinos...... They recently started to pop up in my tank, and over the last 4-5 days have grown worse. We are at the point corals are starting to close up due to them covering many things in the tank. Currently I am dosing 1ml/10 gallons of Hydrogen Peroxide. Just started running a 24w UV sterilizer. Raised temp to 82. Also shortened my lighting schedule.

I am currently running the skimmer 24/7. I have removed my reactor with Carbon and GFO as I have read that can cause issues.

Tank is a 90 gallon mixed reef, with 30 gallon sump.Tank is 3 years old. I would consider the tank lightly stocked:2 clowns, Coris Wrasse, Flame Angel, and Midas Blenny. Moved everything from a 55 about 3 years ago, no new livestock other than coral and CUC(nothing in 3 months) Skimmer, UV, Carbon/GFO reactor(disabled)

Tested Paramaters 10 minutes ago, here are the numbers.

Temp:81.9(confirmed by controller and external thermometer)

This is with a Fluval test kit purchased today. I also have a host of new Salifert test kits on the way, but wanted to get this testing done.

I know that Nitrates being 0 could help cause this. Do I need to start overfeeding the tank? Get some level of nitrates detectable. Starting to worry about the corals from the slime. Any ideas/assistance is appreciated.


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81.9 is a bit high and not helping......78 is better and gives leeway on temps plus more oxy in the water.
Have you checked your ALK also? If it goes too low probs pop up and yes nitrates should be testable or else corals will have min nutrient issues & slowly waste away.
You want to run the skimmer 24/7 always to supply necessary oxygen period, as well as removing waste.
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In my experience, UV works well, but don't expect quick results. Expect it to take two months or so, depending how bad it is. Get a fine mesh net and manually remove them regularly, like every other day. Be relentless. They can feed themselves. Their most concentrated food source is themselves, so manual removal is very effective. Once you get them down to almost gone, you can deliver the knock-out blow with a total black out for 3-4 days.
Did not mention your water movement flow so with no pics just guessing but may need better flow, extra powerheads, wave maker or re-adjusting flow of existing setup maybe?