I know what the bottle says, I told you what I did. You can certainly take everything offline and it may work quicker, but you may have more non target effects.
First, make sure you have Dinos--not cyano. Do a paper towel test to see. Use the search function at the top. Search by thread to make the info you want to find easier. There is stuff on Dinos all over the place here.
One common theme is that Dinos are kept at bay by competition with algae. When nutrients are too low the algae dies off and the Dinos come out in full force. Its a balancing act.
If you have low nitrates but high phosphates then there is a good chance you have cyano, not dinos. If you have both then Dino-x will only work on the Dinos (if you have the right strain--doesn't work on all--search here). Cyano will remain.