Dirty water any ideas


New member
I have a 200g bb cube.
I run 2x 250w XM 10k and 4 39w atinics.
in the sump i have a bit of filter wool to pul out the floating crap that is in the main tank, water from the overflow also goes thru the skimmer, this takes out quite a bit to.

My question.
Do you guys that run bb tanks find you still get a bit of crap flowing round the tank that you cant take out?

I just can't seem to get the water as clear (floating particles) as i did in my other tank that i ran sand.

Any ideas on getting more of this floating crap out?

There is about 60x turn over in there, no real dead spots and about 8500ltr going thru the sump.
My water is crystal clear. If you just converted your rocks might still be sheding a bit. Blowing them off once every week or two with a powerhead and catching the detritus with a filter sock(removed soon after you are done) might help.
Key is either getting the particulates suspended and then washed into the sump where it can be collected, or creating detritus spots where it is accessible and can be siphoned out on a regular basis. You might need to redirect your power heads or return lines for this.

Chris is right with the shedding too. My rocks shed for about 6 months before it slowed down. I still occasionally use a small powerhead and blast the rocks every now and then to get in the crevices.
I also had this problem in the begining, I was running the overflows in my 50G BB tank at only 150-200 GPH, and bumped that up to a mag7 pushing about 500 GPH after head loss my problem went away.

I agree with the others on the sheading thing too.


My tank has been setup for about 6 months now, it has seem to got worse in the last month. maybe still sheading a bit.

I do get spots of waste in the cornors that i syphon.

I will just sit back and wait then.