Dive Camera


New member
Anyone know of a place to buy used Dive Cameras? I am not looking to spend $500+ on a camera but would like to get a nice used DC800 Sealife or something similar. I checked ebay and thats full of new camera's and i also checked Craigs list with no luck.
You might be able to get a good price on a new DC800 as they are now discontinued for the DC1000 which is also about to be replaced in about 6 months.
I would not recommend a sealife if I were you I would buy the point and shoot of your choice and then purchase a housing for it. most cameras have them available either through the manufacturer or Ikelite. Check first for housing availability first before you buy your camera. Good Luck
And if your Iklite or other 3rd party housing leaks even if under warranty they will usally only cover the case not camera inside while Sealife or you could go SEA and Sea (but they tend to be even more$) will cover both. And usally the Sony or Nikon models change so often that if you do ever need a replacement it will be nere impossible to replace. Sealife still has a bunch of their older models available along with parts for everything.
I've got a used DC600 I'm ready to sell if your interested. Works great just gotten in video instead.

Shoot me a PM if interested

Thanks, Scott