diving locations

Here is a little background info so you understand the reason for the post:

I am a single web programmer who's kids are grown so I have no ties to any one location. I can do my job from anywhere that has a reliable Internet connection. I moved to Cocoa Beach, FL. a few years ago from Virginia Beach for the 12/mo warm weather and clearer waters (not much clearer though). I am finding this area to be beautiful however, the people leave something to be desired so I was thinking of moving.

Now that you know why, here is the question:

What suggestions do you have for places that are affordable to live ($50k/annual), clear waters, and modern enough to have reliable Internet? I am not opposed to Islands and I don't need a ton of nightlife or action. Just down to earth people and beautiful scenery.

I look forward to your suggestions.

Thank you
Fort Pierce of Port St. Lucie.

Diving is marginal at best on the west coast. Otherwise, I'd say anywhere from Fort Myers to Tampa.
I am in fort pierce - diving is mariginal here. Water clarity is only good 25% of the year. It is close to the bahamas thou. I would look into the keys if you really want to move just for diving. but, fort pierce is a great town in my opinion.
Thank you for the info. Without going off on a rant. I am not looking to move just for the diving. I am looking to move to an area that has an "island mentality" vs. the Florida "beachside mentality" and I would like the water to be snorkel/dive clarity at least part of the year.

My definitions:

island mentality = everybody is welcome. low judgment factor. easy going. truly relaxed.

beachside mentality = high judgment factor. not very welcoming. pretend to be easy going by wearing the board shorts/sandals but are snobby or have superiority complexes.

These are generalizations, of course. There are exceptions.

Any further suggestions are appreciated.
Good luck. Pine Island meets the personality, but the diving sucks. Keys are great but you will probably starve on 50K per year down there.

You are probably going to have to pick one or the other.
I am going to check with Monroe County Realtors and see what is available. I can deal with less square footage and more hamburgers with fewer steaks if the community personality is better and the water is more apt for snorkeling/diving.

I will look into Pine Island too.

Thanks and keep the suggestions coming.
If you do the keys, stay away from Key largo and Key West. They are very touristy. The rest of the keys are very laid back.

FYI, Pine Island is in Lee county. Don't want you to confuse it with Big Pine Key (also a good choice).

If you want really laid back and off of the beaten path, look at Everglades City.
let me clarify "laid back" so nothing is lost in translation.

It could be called laid back here (Satellite Beach) but the reality is that it is boring and everyone here has lived here their entire lives so if you are not from here then you are not really part of the community and are not very welcome. You are either a native or a snow bird or those of us that are somewhere in the middle and it is not a warm community for us in the middle. The feel could be described as a "high school" mentality, only for adults. Its very odd.

Anyway,the only reason I explain that is so I am not referred to another location with the same problem. When i say laid back I don't necessarily mean small town or boring, although I don't mind that. What I mean is easy going attitudes, friendly to everyone, not clicky or segregated. Very similar to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for those that have been there, only with warm weather all year and cleaner water. I don't care if it is as boring as can be or a tourist area with lots of action as long as the people are warm and friendly.

Thanks again for the suggestions.
Yes to both. Although pretty much any of the Keys fit the bill. Key West and Key Largo get the most tourists.
I lived in Bradenton about 12 years ago. It was nice then, can't comment on now. Try the ACROS forum in the club section.