DIY 10 Watts leds Light


New member
Hi guys !
so I decided to go with 30 x 10 watts (these are all Multichip)

I see the way they look...
anyway these are the chips

10- Cool White 10000-15000K == Fv 9-12V == Fc 900mA (own driver)

4- Newtral White 4000-4500K == Fv 9-12V == Fc 900mA - ( 1 Meanwell)

2- Royal Blue 440-450 nm == Fv 6-7V == Fc 900mA }

2- Blue 460- 465 nm == Fv 6-7V == Fc 900mA } ( 1 meanwell)

2- Hibrids 440 + 520-525nm == Fv 6-7V == Fc 1000mA }

2- Blue 460- 465 nm == Fv 9-12v == Fc 1000mA

2- Hibrids 445 + 395nm UV == Fv 9-12V == Fc 1000mA |

2- Ultraviolet 410-420 nm == Fv 10-12V == Fc 1000mA | ( 1meanwell)

2- Cyan 495-500 nm == Fv 9-12V == Fc 900mA - (own driver)

2- RGB RED -GREEN -BLUE (own driver)

I do have a few mean well 60-48D drivers kicking around so no $ on these
and also some aluminum left from the previous leds build

some of the left over aluminum [/B]

the heat sink will be mounted diagonally, this way most of it will be cooled by the fan

the rails are different size on is 1/2" the other is 3/4" but that doesn't affect the heat sinks

the new rail will be same length of the actual one just different width, and it will sit on the actual bracket

more on the rail

more on the rail

I came up with this combination....
you may ask How is going to Look!.. well I dont know...

But.. the good thing about this build is, if I dont like the combination
I can unscrew the heat sink with the led, and move to another spot..

I have collected some info/data trough other builds on the web...
I have most of the spectrum needed even though I should add some more
specific part of the spectrum.
here is a sketch of what is going to look like

so Building the new frame...

all the tools are here :)

more on the frame


and its time to wire the fans ...Now here is where I did spend my time
need it to do it carefully


I Used liquid tape to isolate the cut the regular electric tape was not
good to work with ,plus i need water proofing the junctions

here you see the connections of the fans been connected to the

and for all the connections that are open to water and oxidation I used
Dielectric silicone

Here is a video of the fans running....
since then I switched to a more power full
power supply because also I want to run the cooling fans of the hood/canopy
with the same one,more juice was needed :)

Now I need to tidy up the wiring
and start glueing the leds

more on the rail

more on the rail

last night I was able to get something done while I had the chance.... :)

Installing / soldering the wires to the 8 and 6 Pin connectors

.... anything is better than nothing ! is it not!
more on the rail

more on the rail

I used a Sleeve to cover all the wires (14 wires) I will Zip tie it all every 6 Inches

RGB connected in Series

This is the way the rest of the leds are connected.... NO SOLDERING

more on the rail

more on the rail

one of the ballast I ordered has different Amperage:mad:.....
it will lit only 5 Leds instead of 10
a new ballast has been ordered, it will be here in About 2 weeks :mad: ... I hope is going to be less..
because the Build is almost done....:)

and on this note ................LETS SHED SOME LIGHT :)

RGB all on emitting white color but still peaking on the RGB spectrum


10-15 K one side

10-15 K Another side

Neutral white + hybrid

and unfortunately I cant post about the other 10 Leds (10-15K + the hybrid) because of the wrong ballast.:(
I will post more picture when I clean
the rail and the wiring,
so far this is it until the new ballast comes
I need to tidy up the wiring
and it is done :)
Too bad that one of the ballast is not the right one....other wise the rail would go up this week

Here is a picture of the finished rail with finished wiring

a close up ...
don't mind the black zip tie , will be removed when the rail goes up
they are holding a piece of wood to prevent the leds to touch the table Saw

and a close up again, not much wire is showing above the Heat sinks

now is time to sit back and wait until the
ballast arrive.
I need to raise the brackets on the canopy ,but for this work I have to remove the light
so Im going to wait and when is time I will do the job on the weekend ( Raise the brackets and install the new rail :)

I think that this is it ....for now..I will post pics as soon I start again.