DIY Frag bucket MOD


New member
I have taken an idea from the NY guys that came to the swap and changed it a bit so the container helps eliminate loss due to lack of water flow and aeration. I hope you guys enjoy this one. You can keep probably close to 60 frags depending on size in this bucket for transportation to a swap. The center tube is an airlift, bringing water from the bottom of the bucket to the top for circulation and aeration. There is also an air vent hole on the 1/2" t handle that I put in the lid.




So what do you all think about this?


hey ricky ,
looks neat but how stable is it?it's look it wobbles and the air tube is for a battery power air pump right?
Thanks Steve.

Brad, yes it is for a battery powered air pump. It is very stable. It is held to the pipe by 2 plastic wire ties on either side so wobbling is kept to a minimum. It is not meant to be indestructable though, but would make taking frags to the swaps easier.


That's awesome, Rick! I think it could probably be modified a bit to make it a little more stable, Brad, but the general idea is great!
It is stable! The platforms are just crooked, LOL Once I put the 2 part epoxy over the holes where the plastic ties go it will be finished and probably would sure up anything if it was unstable. I assure you that it is stable, the wire ties are really tight and I took stability into consideration when designing it.



P.S. Vickie those corals we swapped are looking great already. Thanks for the pump too, it really is blowing the tank away.
hey ricky,
does the air tube go all the way to the bottom then?all you need now is an insulated bucket like a cooler.
yes the airline goes all the way to almost the bottom it stops 1/2" from the bottom opening. Insulation probably wouldn't be needed because most reefers have a car that has heat and Air Conditioning. So temp control is not a problem!

thanks Brad,
