DIY Fuge/Sump for New 20G Setup


New member
Hi all. It's been a while since I've posted. I've been working on what I'm calling "The Ultimate 20G Setup". I've just completed the sump and thought it was time to share a few pics.

Here's the plan. It's a little different from a typical sump, but I had to make the most of the area I have available in the stand.


Here's a view of the completed sump. It has a bit of a green tint because I haven't removed the protective plastic wrapping yet (I still need to route around the bottom).


Notice the Christmas present from my In-Laws. Not bad, eh?


Here's the media tray that will be used to hold carbon when needed.


And while I'm not ready to go into too much detail on the rest of the setup, here's an "in progress" pic of the stand that will hold the sump.

Pics should be fixed. Sorry about that!

My plan is to have the return pump routed through a SCWD. I also want to tee off of the return to feed to refugium (a.k.a. Melev style). I want decent flow as I'll have mostly LPS and SPS. Any thoughts on a pump?

Any thoughts on a pump? I've been looking at the Mag Drive pumps, but I'm having a hard time knowing how much flow I'll need with the SCWD and the tee off to the fuge.

Can Mag Drive's be throttled down with a ball or gate valve?
Thanks fins. I've seen others use the idea with the DJ power control panels. I'm sure others have also just hardwired in switches and receptacles like me. I'm close to finishing up the stand. Once I'm done I'll post more about it.

Still no thoughts on a pump? Will a Mag 5 be overkill?